

New Member
Aug 20, 2014
I just recently got my first GN, it is all original with only 12,000 miles. The car is perfect with exception of the bumper fillers and the muffler, i guess from sitting since 94 moisture settled in the muffler and rotted the bottom out. Would it be best to keep it all original and search for a stock exhaust or go with an after market exhaust?
Going with an after market exhaust instead of original style wont hurt the value of the car at all? i know some people are very particular about cars being all original.
Going with an after market exhaust instead of original style wont hurt the value of the car at all? i know some people are very particular about cars being all original.

did you buy the car to sell or to enjoy?
goals with the car will dictate. theres always rjc exhaust w the croosflow muffler. or a simple replacement.
goals with the car will dictate. theres always rjc exhaust w the croosflow muffler. or a simple replacement.
I plan on keeping the car for awhile, id like to show it next year after i replace the bumper fillers.
Get a performance muffler then. Turbo engines don't like to have the exhaust wheel corked up.
That's true as the difference in pressure between the inlet and outlet of the turbine is what drives it. Hence the factory system was really quite non restrictive considering Fed emissions and noise standards. The outlet at the cat is 3" rolled to an oval and the muffler really was 2 1/4" pretty much straight through.. If you cut one open and look at it, the tubes feed off an open center chamber. I'd venture to say if the single muffler exhaust fit with the torque arm rear suspension on the GNX project they would have left that alone. I base this on the fact that the stock air box system was left untouched, and that is an easier ( read cheaper) upgrade.