Everybody say a prayer tonight for these dedicated soldiers and their families

My cousin just left for boot camp for the NAVY. He is right out of High School and everyone is very proud of him. And when I was reading this post I was thinking of him. He's a great guy!!

And one of those men on that list of men and women who have given their lives is from my little city of 16,000. Every business in the city had a sign up saying a little something for Kirk. I remember him from high school, he was a great guy!!! He always put other people first. In this case he put the whole country first as did they all.

My uncle just got back from Iraq too.

It is funny how many people you know that are involved somehow in the War.

At a local parade the military was coming thru. Everyone and I mean everyone stood up as this train that was 4 or 5 blocks long of miltary people and tanks came through. Everyone was standing and claping and cheering and this did not stop the whole time they march thru. Most of the military people coming thru were saying thank you. It was a great site to see.

God Bless them and their families for the sacrifices they have endured.
Its FUBAR right now over in the sandbox.Keep your heads down and your M-4 handy.

For all you Combat Engineers Over there in the 3rd.Only a couple more months till your back in the big PX.Be Safe..