EST question - 78 231 turbo


Mar 1, 2009
On my EST units there are two wires, Pink and light blue that go to a connector.

This should connect to the same color wire leads off the engine harness.

However I dropped the engine in an 83 wutlass without that particular harness so I need to figure out what connections need to be made.

I understand that the Pink wire should be IGN voltage.

What does the light blue wire do?
It makes sense to me that it might be an output to some kind of a knock warning light, but I cant find any description in the manual.
It seems the light blue wire may connect to the EST relay, which I do not have.....

I could really use some insight from someone with knowledge of this EST system.

The 78 service manual has some diagrams nothing usefully in depth.

Heck the whole-car wiring diagram doesnt even show the EST system or its connections.

Any help appreciated.

EDIT: Oh SNAP I just went to B4Black website and found the diagram I needed. Great website, that! Thanks!
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