Engine shut off switch


Aug 15, 2007
A fellow employee had his 1988 Monte Carlo stolen from our parking lot last week and I was parked next to him (the GN) when it happened. His car was locked but they got it anyway. My car wasn't locked and luckily they must have really wanted his car instead.

Is there something I can install that will disable the starter from a hidden switch inside the car? I looked thru Jegs but didn't find anything.
ive been looking 4 a similiar solution...
usually i disconect the fuel pump (wires behind rear bumper)
and connect them again wen im ready 2 go
There are numerous ways to accomplish this. The easiest (for the non-mechanic) is to buy a chip from a vendor that has anti-theft in it.

You can put a switch to cut any of the following: ECM, crank trigger, fuel pump (be careful with this, if you accidentally hit it while doing a WOT blast, the car will briefly go lean), etc.
So the bottom line is you can't stop a determined theif. You can only only make him look for an easier target.