DVD Burning......


Mar 20, 2004
Hey I just bought this DVD burner by I/O Magic for $80, I know its a cheap-o company but with a burn speed of 8x (the current fastest) you cant beat the price, any ways i was wondering what software do you guys use (for u who own DVD burners) to make back-ups of DVD's ? I hear good things of Platinum X Copy, but for $160 at best buy, thats too pricey, i dont even know if that software backs up all the menus and special features..
DVD Shrink

An excellent application to use is DVD Shrink. Rip, compile & author all in one. You can download it from the link below. Go to Software>DVD Tools>DVD Rippers. A lot of info & progs on that site. BTW, I'm also using a I/O Magic burner, except a 4x. No probs burning.


Enjoy making your .... ummm....backups :D
Nice, good looking out Crow, How's the video quality by the way? Since it shrinks the DVD down to 4.7 GB is there loss in resolution cause like most new DVD movies these days are like 7 GB. If the movie is less than 4.7 GB then can i use a basic DVD burner software like Nero 6 since it doesn't need to be shrunk? By the way i only make back ups of DVDs that i previously own. :D
DVD shrink is good, but there is noticeable quality loss, even without compressing.

It can take out the unneeded sound formats and the spanish, etc.

But it works well and is very quick, might also want to try "CloneDVD" works alomst the same way with a little better quality.
Sony is comming out with a dual layer DVD burner, basically someday you will be able to burn a movies or data on both sides of a blank DVD-R, pretty wild. Does any one know if they make 8x DVD burn media yet?
dual layer does not meen both sides

dual layer (within 1 side)is the current way movies are burned-they hold way over the current dvd-/+r 4.7 gig that is available to us now

dvd x-copy was recently banned if you can get it for $160 grab it

it works great
Dual layer dvd - Use DVD Shrink to rip/rencode then use CopyToDVD to write those files back to a blank DVD.

Single layer dvd - Use DVD Decrypter to rip it to a single ISO image file, use Nero to burn that ISO to a blank DVD.

When using DVD Shrink, I always take out all the subtitles since they're rarely if ever used, take out any additional languages. I raise the compression on the menus and extras all the way to level 10, then just raise the main movie compression as needed until it will fit on a single DVD. Also, do not get the newest version of DVD Shrink. It's got some problems with is decrypting strings and has a hard time ripping the movies. You want to get the older version, 2.3. I've went as high as level 9 on the compression on the main movie and notice no quality degradation on a friends home theater with 8ft screen.

Dual layer burners are slated to hit the market in the US in about 2 months, one by Sony, one by Philips. They're expected to retail for about $230-$250. However, don't jump into one yet because these first ones will only use their own media, i.e Sony media in the Sony drive and the blank dual layer DVD's are expected to cost about $5 each for now. I'll wait until the format is standardized a little more and the media prices come down.
Originally posted by TurboGTA
dvd x-copy was recently banned if you can get it for $160 grab it

I just bought it at Best Buy a couple of weeks ago. They were running a special on it for $80 I think.
It is down to $50 here in Ohio. But for the internet-saavy, you can get all the programs you need on the net for free.
I got in trouble for posting that American Musclecar people freaked out, if I posted a program I would defiently goto hell then :p