door bushing replacement


Nov 4, 2002
Do you have to cut the door pins out of these cars? They are stamped on top so I cant get them to slide out.:confused:
I never did one one on a GN

On my El Camino I cut the pins, the kit came with new pins and bushings. Do not do this by yourself!
hinge pins

Yes, I just replaced mine on the GN. I did have to cut the pin. It was a pita. I was Not able to use a saw because there was not enough room to work in there.
Please bear with me, I am not a mechanic, but I will try to explain. I used a gold pear shaped bit that was corrugated all the way around, and spun it with a pneumatic high speed drill. Maybe someone with more experience could jump in with the exact name of this bit.
It is important to note that I just used this set-up to cut the pin in half. After the cut I easily pushed the pins out with a punch and screwdriver, I think it was easier because the bushings were almost gone.
remember with that high speed bit- safety glasses and advance very slowly, it will bounce around a lot if too much pressure is applied.
Hope this helps you out.
I'm pretty sure what your describing is a carbide or burr as they call it on the east coast
Door hinge

FTC your right! That is what the guys at the firehouse called it. A Burr bit, they are strong little sob's that seem to cut through anything effortlessly.
Being a welder I use those on a pretty much daily basis, they come in all kinds of shapes and sizes