Do I need to add gas stabilizer to unleaded 100 ?


New Member
Feb 17, 2005
Since I dont use the TTA much, I have been using 100 unleaded all summer. Only went through one tank this summer. Anyway, I just topped it off with 100 and am about to put it away for the winter and wont be started again til next April.
Is it necessary to add Stabil or some other gas stabilzer ? Couple of local buddies say race gas doesnt need to have it added but I dont want to rely on thier opinion.
Hmmm - good question - but I've got to believe that any/all gas will get old after time. I'd put the stabilizer in it.
+1 for the staybill, but if I don't have much in the tank I'll pump it out and put it in the lawn mower, Cuts the hell out of the grass with 104! haha.
Put stabilizer in any gasoline that is not going to be used for 3 months or more. Thats when it starts going sour.