Do I need psychiatric help?


Aug 23, 2009
Ok, if I can't find the answers here I will have to get some psychiatric help. Everyone I know plus me can't understand why I spend so much money on this car. Wow, I have owned a 71 chevelle, 69 charger and a whole lot of older muscle cars and I couldn't imagine spending that much money on those cars as I have on my gn.

So the question is, why do we spend so much money on these cars? What spell am I under? Yes I know it costs more then your sbc cars, but its more then that. There was nothing wrong with my car when I got it exect for rear main leak. I rebuilt the engine and just kept going. I didn't need all this stuff, I don't race for money so why? I would like to know why, since everyone that knows me, knows that I get muscle cars put just a little money in them drive for a year and get bored of them and sell them. They ask me "what is it with this car compaired to the others", "why dump all this money in it" and they tell me all the time that I must really like this car. Well I do like it and to make things better, my wife also likes the car. 18 years ago when I was dating my wife, she told me that the 2 cars she wants is a 1970 chevelle and a 1987 gn. At the time I was 19 and never even thought I would ever own 1 of those 2 cars, let a lone both. I had the chevelle (even though it was a 71 not a 70) and ended up selling it to buy this gn and since owning it I have put 15k into it in the last 3 years and the engine and transmission isn't even in the car as I speak. I hope I don't need help because right now I can't afford a psychiatrist because that would take money away from my car.

Every one chim in if you have the same problem as me and what are the reasons for doing it. If you don't know why, maybe this thread can help you also and thats what its all about, helping each other.

Thanks, Otes.
chevelle (93)#2.jpg
I feel your pain...
Its the thought of losing that makes us keep spending...

"Do I need psychiatric help?"

You drive a Buick.

'Nuff said.
I feel your pain..
Its the thought of losing that makes us keep spending...

BRYAN .. we are all winners here .. we all won the first race of our lives .. i wish i could remember but i was just a sperm back then .;)
I have the fever so bad, I want to use my money that I have for a down payment for a new house on the car. I might as well use the car as a casket when I die. And they say you can't take it with you.

Spend the money on the house and make sure you get a huge garage! You can make more money later to spend on the GN.
Spend the money on the house and make sure you get a huge garage! You can make more money later to spend on the GN.

Thats what I'm looking for, a big garage and if it comes with a house that would be ok. The bank says if I get a house in town I pay down payment, if its outside of city limits I won't need a down payment 100% loan. So I was really thinking about getting one out of town just to use down payment on car.
