Do I have enuf inj for this combo?


New Member
Nov 6, 2002
50# w/ ATR 7th...te-63 stealth, GN1s, 210 roller...

Not my combo, but I feel my buddy needs more inj. I'd like to see him w/ 72s and thmbwheel, but the cheap btard will not spring for them...I think hes saving up to buy his hooker girlfriend a ring :rolleyes:

I told him he could have mine if it ever falls out.:D
Probably not. 50's are good for very high 10's/low 11's. If I were you I would keep an eye out for a cheap crank to sell him when he drives over his:)
55s would be the min IMHO, I just upgraded to the 72 and really like them. make sure you have enough pump too!!!

I have a TE45 which is a similar turbo and the 50s were ok until I started cranking up the boost. running out of fuel is not a good option unless you like sweeping up broken parts.
Yes, That is enough injector. Im running 50's right now with no problems. The 50's are good to mid 10's. Why waste the money on new injectors if he's not even runing in the 10's yet? Is he?
Once you start running 10.70's or quicker then start looking into injectors.

Just my 02 worth
Good luck
The guy I was telling you about in your ATR fm post runs those injectors. 105mph 1/8 mi. He doesn't have a 7th Id say a 7th with the 50s would be enouf
my bud's car has run bigger numbers than those you have in your sig if that's what you're worried carful;the mph you got is bout even but you'll be behind from the start; good luck - Tom