Cutting new IC hoses..How do YOU do it?

Boston GN

Well-Known Member
May 24, 2001
Have a couple foot strip of IC hose and was wondering how you guys go about cutting sections of it straight. I was thinking of just taking a hack saw and cutting straight down. Anyone have a better solution? If I cut around with a razor, it's likely to end up crooked.
Insert a piece of scrap pipe inside the hose and I wrap a piece of 3" duct tape around the hose and just follow around the edge of the duct tape with a sharp utility knife. 3" long is a perfect length for these. You can also put a hose clamp around it with the pipe inside and run the utility knife around the hose using the clamp as a guide.
Brilliant...why didn't I think of that Mark!! lol
Thanks, sounds like exactly what I was looking for
Just did this recently.
Tape an ink pen horizontally on top of a glass on a smooth table that is the height off the table that u need your hose length to be.
Place the long hose vertically on the table next to the pen and spin it around marking the hose.
Put tape around the line to make it easier to see.
Place a can of pringles potatoe chips inside the hose (eat all chips first)
Then take a sharp exacto knife or box cutter and cut thru the hose using the tape as a guide.
This will give you the size you need and a straight cut and the can has enough give to keep from ruining your blade.
If the hose inside is orange or another bright color I paint around the visible edge with a water based black paint.
Lightly clamp a worm clamp around the hose and use a razor blade to follow the edge of the clamp. Straight and clean