Can't really hear my turbo spool.


Aug 24, 2005

I have an 87 GN, and when I rev it you can not really hear the turbo spooling what so ever.

I know this is not really a problem of any sort, But I love the sound it makes and see clips on the internet of GN's that spool incredibly loud.

Is there a reason you cannot really hear mine that well, in stock form are any of them very loud??

Just curious.
no turbo noise

Well,actually, you should hear a lot of noise. My TTA puts on a pretty loud scream when I'm on it. Also, the TType lets it's presence be known, in a much more subdued way. What do YOU think is the problem?
By "rev", you don't mean in Park do you? Going from my stock turbo and stock air intake assembly to a TA49 and a solid MAF pipe with a K&N made quite a noticeable noise increase...which I like BTW. :cool:

1) stock turbos don't really make much noise unless you have a load on the engine. At idle if you rev it....not much going on.
If you are driving on the street and stand on the gas and the boost goes will hear it.

2) if you have the stock air cleaner that will deaden most of the sound.

Put on a cold-air kit like the "Tin Man" or "Big Mouth" and you will hear the whistle of death loud and clear :)
Renthorin said:

1) stock turbos don't really make much noise unless you have a load on the engine. At idle if you rev it....not much going on.
If you are driving on the street and stand on the gas and the boost goes will hear it.

2) if you have the stock air cleaner that will deaden most of the sound.

Put on a cold-air kit like the "Tin Man" or "Big Mouth" and you will hear the whistle of death loud and clear :)
definately!!!! i put a big mouth on and mine sounds like a vacuum thats been on meth and hasnt slept for 5 days. thats when im on it, not in park. i love getting on it a little going through downtown (anywhere) and watching everybody damn near break their neck to look at whats making that noise. then i love that confused look as they say wtf was that!!!!!! ha ha.
My favorite is going under and overpass or through a tunnel and romping on it. It let's you really hear the scream. :biggrin:
I love the Big Mouth kit for all the noise it makes. Sooo loud, I remember when I first installed it I was smiling for a good hour. Bigger intake + open dump tube, all you hear is whistle. :D
My TE44 whistles pretty loud but its more fun hitting about 20psi then letting off the gas next to a ricer :D
large intake, large downpipe, + electric cut-out (for open exhaust). You can hear her whine when I goose it at idle :biggrin:
And of course the Big Mouth and electric cutouts are available from my site. :biggrin: I like just cracking open the electric cutout just a bit when driving around town, you can really hear the turbo whining then.

Best part is going thru a tunnel we have nearby and letting her rip thru there. Scares the crap out of everyone. :biggrin: