Not sure about the CAM thing but CLT seems a bit high for only running for a few minutes. You might want to check coolant levels and possibly install a lower temp thermostat.
had just returned home from a cruise around town....just put 160* tstat in before cruise...just ordered TT chip to get fan to kick on it does not kick on till 205-210...without ac on fan kicks on 170 ish...
not sure i thought that also but on another site GNTTYPE...i was told that the fan was coming when the chip was telling it to ...stock chip .....
yes I think the stock chip is set up for a 180 stat so that could be the problem. I can't get mine past 180 with the extender chip and aluminium rad once the fan kicks in its down to 160 in a few minutes.
when i changed my tstat it was a fan kicks on with the 160...water is circulating in rad..but the fan still 200-210