C6 kill!


Jul 17, 2005
i would like to preface this with some unbiased conjecture. i am almost positive this dude missed a shift, or has never driven a stick before in his life, but more on that to come... so drivin thru town and i see a red c6 on my butt, so naturally i was getting on it a little to see if he'd bite. well after i merged onto the highway, i got my answer. guy pulled up beside me and yelled "thats a f**kin sweet car!!" (he's in a red vette lol). so i slowed down to about 60 and he did too, typical three honk and go. i honked and we went, i got a nose on him at the start and stayed a nose ahead until about 110ish when we had to shut it down due to traffic ahead. i am running 17lbs on straight 93 with no KR with only the mods in my sig. if i could rip off a 12.9x@105 with my current setup, i'd be freakin ecstatic, so i'm convinced this guy just didn't have the all-important driver mod, ergo my 1/2 carlength lead from 60-110ish. even tho he should have raped me from a roll, it made my whole freakin night and i was just too excited not to share. :biggrin:

PS: icing on the cake, i had my woman in my right seat and she witnessed the whole thing. afterwards, she smiled REAL big and said "that was SWEET!!!" ..i think i'm in love:cool::cool::cool: