Building Boost...


New Member
Mar 10, 2003
I've changed vaccuum lines and rechecked everything.. For some reason aI can't build over 10 lbs of boost... everthing is pretty much stock..any reason as to why? Thanks for the help guys...:confused:
Check the Wastegate, and check the plastic Y and make sure it is oriented correctly. It should have the restriction going to the turbo and not the wastegate. It could be the wrong Y causing your problem (wrong size restrictor).

Um...I broke the original and substituted it with a regular "y" that was same size inner diameter for all that can be a problem?
yes, big problem. The restrictor has to be the right size or you will experience the problem your having. Check the buick vendors, some must carry it. If not, I think I have one I can sell you off my old 84 T-type for a few bucks.

i think i could use a plastic Y for my regal as well

do you know of any vendors that sell them? kirbans? postons?

Originally posted by Robbie_85GN
What does the grainer valve do?
It's a manual mechanical boost controller. BADDGUY6 has one in his GN. Maybe at the next Anna Miller's meet you can check it out.
Last time I checked I could find the correct part "Nowhere". Called several dealerships and was told it was alltogether unavailable. Found a few vendors who sell 86-7 and TTA units but contacting them I was told they knew nothing of the 84-5 unit. My car is still apart but as soon as I get everything together I too have this problem.
i have the same problem and i have the stock "y" and still can't build more than 10 lbs of boost.