Bowling for Columbine. Could they fit any more lies into the movie?

What these brilliant idiots fail to realize is that their 1st Amendment rights only exist as long as our 2nd Amendment rights are recognized. These are the same good hearted folks who want to give convicted murderers organ transplants, but don't mind executing an innocent woman in Florida by starvation (cruel and unusual? Not if you haven't been convicted of a hideous crime). Here in Texas we are getting ready to release a convicted serial killer ! Eugene Coral Watts will be paroled because he has paid his debt to society! Maybe we can get Mr. Moore to hire him a his personal assistant, or Rosie might need a new baby-sitter:confused:
The country is definitely in trouble. Did you see the democrat debate last night? I could only stomach a few minutes of it. Hey, them guys might as well tie a rag around their heads and put on suicide belts so they can better illustrate to the dopes who support them, who's side they're really on. :rolleyes:

Oh, and watch California burn, because of the tree huggers. Meanwhile, the earth first crowd probably lit the match.
The movie might be crap, but you guys gotta admit that Tim McVeigh's bro there is a weirdo. He was only on tv and he was scar'n me. :eek:
Oh Red, we are all tree huggers here. I am one because I love trees. They give us so much. Oxygen to breath, firewood, tooth picks, paper, more lumber to build houses, great furniture base, and even arrows to shoot the left wing wackos that treat them as humans. Mark:D
Originally posted by Vendor Defendor
man, i saw about 2 minutes of that show on TV, and they were bitching about some sort of anti gun crap, it angered me so much i pulled out my gun and shot my TV!
Way to go Elvis!!!

Michael moore is one of those guys you would love to catch in public without his body guards. He seems like the kinda person that be two blocks down the street and then yell something about you unless his boys were there.