Belkin USB to serial port adapter doesn't work!


Active Member
Apr 9, 2002
:( I can't get my new windows XP laptop to talk to my F.A.S.T.!!!:mad:
I got the C-COM WP program and laptop no talkie to car:mad: AARRR!
I got the adapter because the new HP laptop doesn't have a serial port.
A friend has a XP laptop and it works fine on my car, but he has a serial port.
My lap top sees that the adapter is there and I and other people have reinstalled the software for the adapter to no avail.
It's starting to piss me off!
Maybe I will have to buy an old laptop?:mad:
Anyone run into this problem?:(
Does the laptop recognize the USB port? I had two problems with my laptop:
The com port was being used by another program that was on the bottom right of my screen. In my case I had to close out my Palm V program before the com port was deemed open for the FAST connection.
I also had a problem with the connection between the ECU and the laptop. Sometimes I could connect and other times it would not! Last night I diassembled the FAST connector that plugs into the laptop and a grounding wire that should make contact to the metal connector was not securely mounted. Hope this helps.
:( When I try to connect it only says ECM not found.
My laptop knows the adapter is there and the FAST works properly and the cable in the car is ok as a Friends laptop works fine on my car.
The only thing I can figure is the car doesn't like the adapter or the adapter is ****.:mad:
I can't monitor anything so I'am scared to go over 18psi.
I've had a similar problem with a friends HP laptop/F.A.S.T. combo. The first thing you need to do is make sure you have the C-Com set to the correct serial port. Usually those Belkin things will choose something like COM3 or COM4. The best way to find out is to go to Start -> Settings -> Control Panel -> System. Once the system properties window appears, choose Hardware, then Device Manager. Scroll down until you see Ports (COM & LPT), and click the little plus next to it. You should see a listing of all of the available COM ports on the computer, and one of them should give you an indication that it's for the Belkin (If it's not there, then it's probably not plugged in or installed correctly). Now that you know the correct COM port number, go back to C-Com and change the serial port to whichever matches the Belkin and give it a shot. If everything matches, you might have a bad USB-to-serial adapter.

The problem we have more than anything else is sometimes we can't get it to start logging, and every once in a while we can't get it to communicate with the ECM.

Hope this helps some.
I think you have to use the 100 dollar belkin usb-serial adapter for this to work. I do have the 40 dollar one and it don't work.

93 Supra turbo
Thanks,maybe, the belkin was set for com port 10?

Hmm....they usually don't set themselves that high in the list. I wasn't even aware that C-Com had anymore than like 4 COM ports listed.

Here is something you might try. With the Belkin USB-to-serial adapter plugged in, go to the Add/Remove Programs list and see if there is any thing listed for is. The one I installed on my friend's laptop left an uninstall string. Uninstall it and try reinstalling the software to see if it comes up with a different COM port. I recall his being something like COM3 or COM4. If it still insists on using a high port number there are some other things that you can try, but they're a bit more involved than I can type here. If you still can't get it to work, I'll PM you my number and we'll go through some things on the phone to see if we can get it to act right. I know it will work, sometimes it's just more of a pain than others.
You're not the only one in this boat. I have one of those damn adapters and never got it to work. I ended up getting a com-CRAP docking station for the laptop which has a serial port and all problems solved.

While I was able to successfully get the USB-to-serial adapter working on my friend's laptop, the thing I really dislike about it is the way it uses the battery. Since the USB adapter gets it's power from the USB port, that means more drain on the battery. If we get stuck in the staging lanes for any length of time, we have to shut the computer down or put it in standby mode (which never seems to work correctly for me) until we're close to getting to lanes to make a pass. Big pain in the ass having to do that, but I don't think he wants to spend the extra cash on a docking station. Ah well....the joys of technology.

Seems that it's time for F.A.S.T. and everyone else to catch up and put a USB port on their controllers to make them work with new laptops. :)
As for the battery, I went to Wal-Mart and got a cheap $20 power inverter so I could plug the laptop in. That works perfectly! Probably something worth investing into. And I WHOLE-HEARTEDLY agree that the FAST box needs to be changed to a USB connection. It's getting a lot harder to get a laptop now a days with a serial connection. :(

I reinstalled the software and it comes up as com 10.
I changed it to com 1,2,and 3 no luck :( :mad:
Maybe I will have to buy a used 300 dollar laptop:mad: ?
This SUX!!!
There are 2 Belkin models that I'm aware of. One looks like dongle and the other is a separate piece that connect via a USB cable and is purple and grey.

The software I've installed *usually* allows you to choose which COM port you want the usb-to-serial to use. I would assume that they still do this, but I could be mistaken.

Let me ask one REAL dumb question here. Are you sure you used the Windows XP driver? When I started helping my friend, he had actually tried to use the Windows 2000 driver on XP and it created all kinds of problems for me in the beginning.

Oh yeah, I PM'd you.
Thanks for trying to help.
it's installed with windows xp drivers.
Right now I'am too pissed with my job to mess with the GN:mad:
Right now I'am too pissed with my job to mess with the GN

I understand. My offer is opend-ended so when you change your mind, just let me know. There was a bevy of things that Belkin recommeded doing to "properly" remove the drivers from the computer. I thought they were a bit excessive, but at the time i was willing to try anything to get it working correctly. :)

Let me know if I be of further help (like I was a ton to begin with). :)
I had lots of trouble with one of these.I use Windows ME and my problem turned out to be it was already useing com 1 for something so I had to change the adapter to com 2 and do the same with the c-com.