Beer Bottle Caps


May 28, 2001
So I know this board is full of a bunch of fellow drunks, so I've got a favor to ask of all of y'all.

About 6 months ago I started building this table at my Dad's house. The goal was to cover the top of it in bottle caps and pour polyurethane on top. I've finally got it almost finished and I arranged the caps on the table top today and I'm wayyyy short on caps. Seeing as my pop wants me to get this table out of his place, I need more caps.

My rough estimate is that I'm going to need 1000 caps total. Over the last six months I've drank about 400 beers at home and kept the caps, so I need about 600 caps. I primarily drink Molson Canadian (Official Beer of the Detroit Red Wings) so that's what I want the table to have on the top, but at this point I could make a different pattern if anyone has caps on hand.

I'm looking for caps that are primarily red (Molson Canadian, Molson Export, Sam Adams Scotch Ale), but I'll take anything that's interesting looking. I'd rather wait and drink more beer than put Budweiser or Miller crowns on there, and I can get plenty of those at work for free.

The going rate on eBay seems to be $5 for 200, but I'll pay whatever they're worth to you.

Thanks guys.
I tried that Mark, but most of them shut me down and none of them have Molson.
Actually I kinda sorta work for Molson. My company is a contractor within the bottling industry. We've got equipment in Molson, Labatt, Miller, Anheuser-Busch all of the big plants.

The long and short of it is a crown isn't really a crown until it's been on a bottle. They're sort of flat before they get on the bottle. So even if Molson would sell to me it wouldn't be what I'm looking for. Good thinking though.
This may not help you,But i have several Miller Lite bottle caps. If you want them,You can have them. I'll send them to you & you can send me a check for what ever shipping is. (the "miller" in miller lite is read) Let me know if I can help.
Thanks man, but I don't really want the Miller Lite caps. I'm about set between the offers I've gotten on here, the other board, ebay, and

Thanks everyone.
I use to collect bottle caps when i was in my early teens (20 yrs ago) and mom has been bitchin to get this junk (so she says) out of the house. Im headin up there tonight I'll look and pm u back..

mostly old german beers.......
Ya know,a bunch of AA chips mixed in would make a nice pattern!

When I lived in CT the bar in my neighbourhood would let you drink free for the night if you turned in your AA coin. That's my kinda place :cool: