Barn Find

Wow, head gasket needed at 12k miles? That Professor mustve been really beatin the sh*t outta that car on 87 octane or something..:eek:

What is that old saying............Book smart.........Life stupid.:eek:
sittin for 18 years it might need more than a hg...everythings gotta be dried rotted out

This could be true for the rear main but then what about the last GN that sits in that little room? Does it need its motor rebuilt?

I just think its a waste to rebuild a documented low milage motor like this unles you see a problem while putting HG's on it. .

Yep. That's the way they get.


What the heck happened to the bumper fillers?..did they just discinegrate?<sp
Yep, mine have hardly ever seen the sun and one day they were laying in the floor of the garage, both rears fell off at the same time.
You're just in time 4 the nationals. I was going to ask if you and Chandler were coming? Greg and I are leaving wednesday. Nice theft, I mean find.:biggrin:
I remember that car too.
Always wondered what happened to it.
Good save man good save...

I remember that car too.
Always wondered what happened to it.
Good save man good save...


Not to get off topic, but Patric R U coming to the nationals?

A professor at a local college purchased the car new, obviously was running car a little to hard and blew the gasket in late 1991. He thought he had blown the motor, car was out of warranty, so he just parked it. Around 1995, a good friend of mine who was going to school there, had this particular professor for a class and the subject got on cars & hot rods. Well long story short my friend purchased the car with the intent to repair and drive. Life got in his way, opened speed shop, then an internet speed shop, so the car just sat with me beggin him everytime I got around him to sell it to me. Finally on 4/16/2009, he called and we struck a deal. Thats the short version. BTW, I stole the car for a very good price, even though it needs work.:biggrin:

I am really surprized that shed didnt fall after u got the car out. I didnt know Todd still had any of his Buick stuff. I thought u bought him out YEARS AGO!:rolleyes:
Not to get off topic, but Patric R U coming to the nationals?

I am really surprized that shed didnt fall after u got the car out. I didnt know Todd still had any of his Buick stuff. I thought u bought him out YEARS AGO!:rolleyes:

Everything except that car, he would not sell at that time, said he & Vince were gonna fix it up one day.
Not to get off topic, but Patric R U coming to the nationals?

With my wedding/honeymoon 2 weeks ago, I'm not gonna make it. That makes 2 years in a row and it's killin me. I'll be there in spirit tho.

My brother in law is going for the first time tho. Yes, we've successfully converted him to Buick power. Hope you're doing well Joe, we've been praying for you.
