Bad BLMs???


Dec 16, 2002
I just failed emmsions worst than the last time I took it. I turbo-linked it and saved the data after each test. The car now really doesn't idle as smooth as a month ago but it drives OK. Only thing different I think was the fact I changed the plugs/wires & O2 sensor. The O2 sensor readings now are very irradic. The BLMS now are a steady 138, old was 128. The INTs now are up and down between 110-127, while the old hovered around 125. What causes the BLMs to vary?
Originally posted by are_one
I just failed emmsions worst than the last time I took it. I turbo-linked it and saved the data after each test. The car now really doesn't idle as smooth as a month ago but it drives OK. Only thing different I think was the fact I changed the plugs/wires & O2 sensor. The O2 sensor readings now are very irradic. The BLMS now are a steady 138, old was 128. The INTs now are up and down between 110-127, while the old hovered around 125. What causes the BLMs to vary?

What you're seeing are perfectly normal for a new sensor. The O2 readings are supposed to be "all over the place" during normal driving conditions. The only time they'll stabalize is when you get into it.

As for the BLM's, there's nothing wrong with 138's. The computer's still well within it's range of adjustability, and the varying INT are also due to the more lively O2 sensor. Everything is working perfectly!

Now, as to why you failed smog, that is likely something entirely different. Could be your cat. Could be your EGR. Could be the chip you're using, etc. etc.
We would need a lot more info on your setup AND more importantly, what were all the parameters taken at the smog machine, and the allowed limits, etc.
Re: Re: Bad BLMs???

Originally posted by TurboDave

As for the BLM's, there's nothing wrong with 138's. The computer's still well within it's range of adjustability, and the varying INT are also due to the more lively O2 sensor. Everything is working perfectly!

Heh, wonder if he tried to lean the car out by lowering FP :p

As Dave said, what numbers did the car blow, then we can go from there.
I may have found the answer to everything!!! I was planning out how to run the wiring for my temp sender, and noticed that the vacuum line to the EGR was off. Im going to turbo-link it tonight, hopefully this is why I keep failing emissons. Thanks for the input.