Are you getting sick of hearing about TIGER WOODS?

I thought the Jesse James saga was taking over. Poor Sandra:rolleyes: Did she really think he would stay faithful with his background. I'm tired of all of it. I don't care who cheats on who.
SEX SEX SEX:biggrin:
Maybe it just so happens that SEX SELLS.
Nope not me!! :D

I turn the channel and or mute as soon as i hear or see any coverage that has anything to do with him. ;)
I'd like to hear he contracted aids from one of his mistresses. Other than that im sick and tired of hearing about his ass.
The new NIKE commercial is just WEIRD. Why are they using this as a way to sell shoes? I don't have kids, but aren't kids watching this crap? That's not good.

Just 21 century style stupid! I trademarked that by the way...
I hope both Tiger and Jesse get diseases and there p*ckers fall off. What a couple of doushe bags.

Yes, I'm sick of hearing about both of them.
Tired of hearing about tiger woods

enuff with tiger woods; what about Tony The Tiger? What's he up to?