Are they ever going to legalize weed?

Just because there are other drugs that are legal it doesn't mean we should legalize more.

Marijuana may have never killed anyone but how many lives had it ruined? How many people have gotten fired or lost their family due to marijuana? Remember that two wrongs do not make something right. You can't just say such and such is legal why not marijuana. It will start with marijuana and end where? The next step is what? Cocaine? The coke addicts will be saying the same thing in 5 years. Where will the line be drawn? Right now it is drawn at alcohol. So should we legalize meth too?
If its going to ruin a life it would if legal or illegal. There are functioning alcoholics, and, abusive ones, same goes for all substances.



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So should we legalize meth too?

That's a whole other ball game in another town. Weed grows from the ground, it's a flower. Mothernature.
However, meth? Man-made junk...Made of all kinds of terrible stuff. Weed is no more harmful than vitamin c.
Weed is no more harmful than vitamin C? What about someone stoned driving a car and hitting a kid on a bike? Not to harmful for the guy driving the car by it kinda sucks for the kid on the bike. I do t want to hear about that happening with alcohol because as I stated before I am fine with alcohol being illegal as well. Both are straining the economy the way it is!

Here is my question for you. If murder was legalized do you think the murder rate would go up or down? So if they legalized weed do you think more people would smoke it? The answer for both is yes. I know murder and marijuana are apples to oranges but they analogy is still the same. More people will try marijuana. You can deny marijuana is a gateway drug all you want but you are only lying to yourself. I smoked weed when I was younger and the buzz was great and I knew there were stronger drugs out there and acid was one of them so I did acid until I had a bad trip!

The easiest or the hardest question to answer (depending on your stance) is do you want your kids to smoke weed? If you said yes I will give you something else to ponder. My wifes cousin started smoking weed in high school and got expelled for having some on him! He did quit smoking weed to start taking OxyContin because he heard about the great high it gives. He did manage to get off the oxy by getting himself addicted to meth. He has now been found twice unconscience, not breathing with a faint heartbeat. Both times his little sister is the one who found him. This is not the road I want my children to travel. You can say that I should be able to tell and teach them to not use drugs but peer pressure is a bitch.

My wife and I are also licensed foster parents and we get to see the result of what life is like for the children of parents that use drugs. Not every person that smokes weed ends up going down the wrong road but some do and the same goes for alcohol. Like I said twice before two wrongs don't make a right.

I am not trying to change your opinion I am just letting you know how many other people see it. I am not trying to argue that marijuana itself is a dangerous drug because I myself have used it. However my brother had road his motor cycle before when he was drunk and he decided to do it one too many times. People as a whole like to test their limits and he did. If you legalize weed then there will be people who say that the high is good with weed and I heard meth or oxy is a better high. Then they will think that they didn't get addicted to weed so they won't get addicted to meth. I know that won't happen to everyone but it happens to one person then legalizing it isn't worth it. Now think of that person being your child.

I am not an angel by any means and I have my bad habits as well so don't think I am preaching. I am just stating what the other half of the people think.
Weed is no more harmful than vitamin C? What about someone stoned driving a car and hitting a kid on a bike? Not to harmful for the guy driving the car by it kinda sucks for the kid on the bike. I do t want to hear about that happening with alcohol because as I stated before I am fine with alcohol being illegal as well. Both are straining the economy the way it is!

Here is my question for you. If murder was legalized do you think the murder rate would go up or down? So if they legalized weed do you think more people would smoke it? The answer for both is yes. I know murder and marijuana are apples to oranges but they analogy is still the same. More people will try marijuana. You can deny marijuana is a gateway drug all you want but you are only lying to yourself. I smoked weed when I was younger and the buzz was great and I knew there were stronger drugs out there and acid was one of them so I did acid until I had a bad trip!

The easiest or the hardest question to answer (depending on your stance) is do you want your kids to smoke weed? If you said yes I will give you something else to ponder. My wifes cousin started smoking weed in high school and got expelled for having some on him! He did quit smoking weed to start taking OxyContin because he heard about the great high it gives. He did manage to get off the oxy by getting himself addicted to meth. He has now been found twice unconscience, not breathing with a faint heartbeat. Both times his little sister is the one who found him. This is not the road I want my children to travel. You can say that I should be able to tell and teach them to not use drugs but peer pressure is a bitch.

My wife and I are also licensed foster parents and we get to see the result of what life is like for the children of parents that use drugs. Not every person that smokes weed ends up going down the wrong road but some do and the same goes for alcohol. Like I said twice before two wrongs don't make a right.

I am not trying to change your opinion I am just letting you know how many other people see it. I am not trying to argue that marijuana itself is a dangerous drug because I myself have used it. However my brother had road his motor cycle before when he was drunk and he decided to do it one too many times. People as a whole like to test their limits and he did. If you legalize weed then there will be people who say that the high is good with weed and I heard meth or oxy is a better high. Then they will think that they didn't get addicted to weed so they won't get addicted to meth. I know that won't happen to everyone but it happens to one person then legalizing it isn't worth it. Now think of that person being your child.

I am not an angel by any means and I have my bad habits as well so don't think I am preaching. I am just stating what the other half of the people think.

Very good points and thanks for posting. This argument leaves out the element of personal responsibility however. Your argument even proves that regardless of any drug's legal status, any drug can still be had, legal or not, and can be abused ie: cigs, weed, prescriptions, meth, etc. All of the people in your examples clearly have a personal void they are trying to fill with intoxication in one form or another. Blaim the abuser, not the abused. Weed is not a gateway drug. Correlation does not imply causation, fundamental psychological and scientific experiment theory. Every drug abuser I know smokes cigarettes and started smoking before they were 18. Cigarettes are the real gateway drug b/c if you are willing to smoke cigs under age, then you are probably willing to try other things as they are presented to you ie weed, meth, acid, coke. But only then do you realize the difference between real drugs and weed yet everyone blaims weed when all it did was not properly fill the void. Others use weed for life without ever trying anything else; depends how big the void is and what else it's being used for.
The driver that smoked the weed is the car in the middle of his lane doing 35 mph in a 70mph zone.....

The drunk is the guy that is swerving all over the road doing 70 mph in a 50 mph zone.......

I have never smoked anything (cigs or pot) , drink occasionally...... but definately recognize the pot is the lesser of the two evils.... and if it were legal, I might give it a whirl on occasions.....and give up the beer on occasions..... because in the long run.... IMHO, the pot is not nearly as "bad" for you as the beer.
Weed is no more harmful than vitamin C? What about someone stoned driving a .......................

Wow, you wrote a whole story...I'm only that comparing the two for what they are. Sit in a room, pop a vita C or smoke a joint. No ill will come to either choice. Well, no.2 will cause subject to call Papa Johns.
This argument is like trying to explain to liberals, why our economy is about to collapse. They'd rather kick back, light up, and ignore reality...
As the Administrator of the DEA it is not her job to know all the characteristics of drugs. It is her job to ensure the laws are enforced. Which is why it is called Drug Enforcement Agency. Medical marijuana is a totally different animal than just legalizing it for anyone to use it.
As the Administrator of the DEA it is not her job to know all the characteristics of drugs. It is her job to ensure the laws are enforced. Which is why it is called Drug Enforcement Agency. Medical marijuana is a totally different animal than just legalizing it for anyone to use it.
Yes it is . Your looking to deep in this thread, bro . Evereything is going to be alll rigght ya!-------- Bob Marley

I want my tax dollars back that pay that ladies salary o_O
That' s where I am getting at ! Money . I don't care for drugs, not even weed, but if we can make it legal, and tax it. Might help the economy. Hemp is an amazing thing as well of the bi-product from canabis.