Anyone out here lives in Arizona

Hardly any luck there, I checked into it, as I became a member shortly before buying the truck, and any truck with over 100k miles on it, they all offer INSULTING low offers, $6k and lower with a clear title, thats $3k LOWER THAN BOOK. One person even took pictures of a Ty for sale, asking price was $11,500 that looked super clean and had 103k on the odometer, and all they did was make a big joke about calling and offering him $6500, not a penny more, because the top of the truck had some oxidization on the paint and the miles were so high. I wish they were easier to talk to, instead of a bunch of dicks about a car that got driven over the last 15 years, instead of spending its time in a shop or covered in a garage. Ive never had anyone talk down to me like those guys do, its a completely different community from the GN owners.
That really surprises me actually, they're usually really cool. I'm still pretty active in the community. There's obviously a few ass' just like every group but most of them are really good guys.