Anyone into serious Weightlifting?


I've been powerlifting for 10 yrs now. Here are some basics that work.

-Rest, you are training too long. 45min optinum, 60-75min max. 4 days per week max.

-drink plenty off water

-Eat right, especially after a wookout. Bring a protein shake to the gym and start drinking immediately. Then when you get home eat. Got to feed the muscles.

-Use supplements. Creatine flat out works.

Hope this helps

If you have any questions, e-mail me privately.

Billy T.
I bet you put on at least six pounds the first week you use creatine. I got recruited from the varsity gym back in college to be run through the MRI a few times for an athletics deptartment study. The stuff works.
Originally posted by Rollin

I nailed 495lbs once and thought my pec's were going to explode taking my sternum with them,


I think 495lbs would have pinned you to the bench faster than Hulk Hogan.

I am raising the BS Flag on this one :D

See ya at the gym
Geez, now there's a familiar feeling... ouch! That knife in my back hurts:( Honestly right now 395lbs would make my lower esophagus meet my spine. However, I did say "ONCE" Guess I should have said "ONCE 13 yrs ago" better? Nevertheless, even in my old decrepit age of 35. I can still out bench both of you aaahhhh light weights:D Ya'll know where I live, I got a "Brutus" rack and 450lbs of Olympic free weights. Wait!...aren't ya'll like 40 something now and sedentary behind your desks all day doing the customer service gig? Scratch that idea, if one of you had a heart attack trying to bench your body weight more than ONCE (even though I'd welcome the knife out of my back) I might feel bad for a day or two Lol.


Albertan, I tried creatine a few years ago and didn't have much success, perhaps it was because my workouts sucked and I was still a heavy smoker? Know of any good types of creatine that wont cost me 300$ a month to go along with the protein shakes hehe? Now as far as me only doing dumbells for Chest workouts..Am I missing out on a lot of size because of it? I workout alone, and don't feel comfortable working out till failure without a spoter. The other thing is, alot of people ive talked to say they are always sore after their workout a day later, but that doesnt happen to me..or VERY rarely..or even that day I feel like I could do the workout all over again at the same intensity a couple hrs muscles dont seem to tire? Any reason for this? Should I workout twice as hard? Or try to superset everything? My only workout I superset completely is Tricep, and it is painful... I need to increase my water consumption dramaticly I guess, Im nowhere near the Gallons you guys are talking about.:)
Originally posted by Rollin
Wait!...aren't ya'll like 40 something now and sedentary behind your desks all day doing the customer service gig? Scratch that idea

Oh-wait! You're talking about our jobs? Hehe, we won't go there. And I'm sure you can press more than me but if I kicked you in the shins I bet I could run backwards to watch your progress in my direction!

j/k! :p
These guys are giving you good advice. As far as your training schedule, muscle growth occurs roughly 38-44 hours after intense work. If you don't give the muscle enough rest, growth is inhibited. I can't emphasise enough the principle of plenty of rest and proper nutrition. I've been bodybuilding since 1976 and have done things the wrong way and learned from it. I don't even try to do max lifts, I concentrate on working the muscle groups for defination and size. When I was alot younger I would do the stupid showing off stunts, but the years have made me much wiser.

Consider a varing routine that consists of Nautilus, and free weights. A changing routine makes each muscle group stronger. As an example, my chest routine on one day consists of 10º nautilus arm cross using 240 lbs for 8 reps, immediatly followed by 240 lb bench press until failure (absolutely no rest in between). After a brief rest, narrow grip bench press with 200 lbs until failure. After a brief rest, push ups until failure. I don't train the chest again for 48 hours. The next chest session requires help from a partner as it involves negatives with heavier weights. After 48 hours rest, back to the 1st routine except perhaps changing to either an incline or decline press. Whenever the weights become easier, I up the weight by 5%. Every 3rd week, I take a 4 day layoff. Most of my strength gain is shown when I return from the 4 day layoff. ;) There are many routines, many theories of nutrition and suppliments, the bottom line is that each person responds differently, you have to find what works for you. In my case, I am fairly happy with my results.... 5'10", 212 lbs, 18" upper arm, 47" chest, 32" waist . At my peak in 1987, I was 240 lbs, 19.25 inch upper arm, 48.75" chest, 31" waist. Funny how a 13 year layoff, serious injuries and numerous days on the couch can put you several steps backward.

Also, pick a consistant time that doesn't interfere with the rest of your life. I am at the gym by 6:45 am. For me, the early morning seems to be the best time. It doesn't interfere with work or anything else. A few other things too.... NO ALCOHOL, and no high doses of Ibuprofen. Recent studies have shown that high doses of ibuprofen inhibit muscle growth.
Not a pro, but been lifting for 15 years so I'll throw in my .02 cents. I am 6'4 190 lbs with 5% bodyfat. Been that way for 10 years or so I guess. I play crazy amounts of basketball and this is where my leaness comes from I presume. My metabolism must still be burning pretty fast I guess. My genetics will probably never allow me to get very much bigger than I am unless I use synthetic drugs. I will not do that. I am happy with how I look/feel now. Besides, how can I shoot the jump shot with huge pecs and biceps? Without a spotter, you will very rarely encounter negative resistance. This negative resistance (negatives) is what will really make you sore. If you get a chance, try a workout with a partner sometime. At the end of each set, you perform to failure, have your partner help you up with the weight and then you lower the weight as slow as you can for 2-3 reps. Do this, and I will gurantee soreness the next day!:eek: HTH
