Anyone Here Running The ATR DP w/External Gate


Jun 14, 2001
I believe it is part# TA301. How do you like it? Do you have any pics you can share to see fitment, especially from the side of the car?

A buddy of mine Bob at sold his ATR pipe some time ago from his TTA(before he sold it). He may have had pictures from when it was on his car... since I know he took pictures of it to sell the pipe. may want to search for him a little and ask. Nice guy.

I dont know who bought the pipe, so I cant help you in that direction.

Congrats on the new times ...

The atr s pipe has the best fit of any pipe i ve tryed so far- i have two of them on different cars.
I sort of run what your talking about. I had ATR make me that pipe but set up for a delta gate. The only reason I did this is because I already had a pair of D-gates. The pipe pretty much has to be a bulls eye shot to fit into a TTA. My ATR pipe does fit in just like it should.

I dont think much can be done about this but I hate the way the turbo blows into the dp. Its really hard to explain but its like they took a wide radius mandrel bend but then cut it shortly into the bend.

xxxxx .
. x
xxxx . x
.x x
. x x
. x x
. x x
x x
x x
x x
Imagine drawing a nice gradual curve through the x's. Then imagine cutting the pipe along the dot line. Instead of the air going into a pipe and then gradually bending, you wind up with the air slamming into the outside wall at a 45* angle or so and then forcing it around the bend. Probably one of those things you would have to see with your own eyes. It looks like its about the only way they could get a 3" pipe in there w/o moving the turbo.

DAMMIT! I had them x's spaced out in a curve and this damn thing took them out! P.O.S! :mad: &^%&^%(*&%^%&
Now I'm really mad because I went in to edit the post and it shows up with the spaces in there! P.O.S!

grrr... tried some thing else and it didnt work either. This program likes to take out spaces.

XXX I see a lot of x's in your future :p

You been drinking again :eek:

Look I know what Scottie is trying to see.. If he can adapt the pipe on his 240Z and get rid of the integral WG.
Originally posted by Razor
Look I know what Scottie is trying to see.. If he can adapt the pipe on his 240Z and get rid of the integral WG.
That is exactly correct. The wastegate points forward and also appears to point slight upwards. Since I have a low sloping hood, i am trying to get a side view to see if it will clear.


I am currently using a THDP for the TTA so I know exactly what you are trying to say.
Scottie, how bout a plasma cutter and make all the space you need :eek:


tee hee..

My car needs to go on a diet.. ;)