Anyone else have a Boxer?

Since my male has gotten older and slower he's gained about 10lbs and is now 85lbs. Female is still a nice 70lbs

I see nobody else has there dogs ears cropped? Any reason other then the $'s why? Personally like them a little more with them cropped.

Here's a pick of the lady I work with's new puppy

Personally, I prefer the ear uncropped. Makes an already "puppy faced" dog look even more puppyish.
I was on the fence about cropping my 2 puppies' ears. I finally decided that it was an unnecessary surgery that was painful for the pupps. They were not going to be in the dog show circuit ( although my male should be, no time..) I was also afraid that they may not have come out the way they should. I've seen some dogs with ears that looked terrible. I didn't want to put them through that.


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Blaze said:
I was on the fence about cropping my 2 puppies' ears. I finally decided that it was an unnecessary surgery that was painful for the pupps. They were not going to be in the dog show circuit ( although my male should be, no time..) I was also afraid that they may not have come out the way they should. I've seen some dogs with ears that looked terrible. I didn't want to put them through that.

Now that's the look!!!

Ya, our Candy is adopted from Boxer Rescue, and you can see by her left ear what can happen when somebody screws things up (permanently folded over on top her head). Doesn't bother her a bit though. But it sure gives her a unique personallity.


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Blaze said:
I was on the fence about cropping my 2 puppies' ears. I finally decided that it was an unnecessary surgery that was painful for the pupps. They were not going to be in the dog show circuit ( although my male should be, no time..) I was also afraid that they may not have come out the way they should. I've seen some dogs with ears that looked terrible. I didn't want to put them through that.

I have 2 Great Dane/Mastiff mixes and I didn't crop for the same reason... Unecessary... plus it's not fun taking a 175lb dog to the vette sometimes...
My dad was a vet for 25 years and cropping of the ears was his most expensive surgury. Why? He didn't like it. He thought it was cruel. Back when you could bring a dog in for a spay and be out the door with a bill for $40 he charged about $90 to crop ears, plus expenses. He still did quite a few of them though. People would ask why it was so much and he'd tell them strait up, I don't like doing it.
"Cruel" "Painfull" :confused:

Now getting them fixed by cutting off their balls or opening them up and removing thier reproductive organs(female), or pulling out their dew claws could be considered that. My male never appeared to be in any pain after the procedure, he just wanted to itch them all the time.

If you don't like the look, well that's up to everyone's personal opinion, I believe my male looks much better with them done then he would have if I didn't do it. When he was a puppy it didn't look that great but after he was fully grown with that big muscular neck and that boxer face he just looks "Regal" IMHO
Females probably look better naturally

To have them done cost $250 :eek: but he did a great job.
Great Dogs either way :cool:
very beautiful dogs you all have.....
I love big dogs and ended with a tea cup yorkie

please dont laugh

Alan :D
Here's my 5 1/2 yr old Bitch, Penny. She is a great dog and loves people,but she is very protective of me and her bull pen! She loves to chase balls and chew on things.


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JP87GN said:
Here's my 5 1/2 yr old Bitch, Penny. She is a great dog and loves people,but she is very protective of me and her bull pen! She loves to chase balls and chew on things.

Hey, have any of you guy's ever tried this; get a laser pointer and point it at anything on the wall or floor & watch how your boxer goes crazy trying to catch it :D
Blaze said:
Hey, have any of you guy's ever tried this; get a laser pointer and point it at anything on the wall or floor & watch how your boxer goes crazy trying to catch it :D

Watch it with that... it is funny as hell, but you can screw a dog up in the head... they start diving at any flash of light or shadow all day long... digging at the carpet - running in to the wall. I have seen this happen with a few friend's dogs.

I guess with anything it just needs moderation :D

Blaze said:
Hey, have any of you guy's ever tried this; get a laser pointer and point it at anything on the wall or floor & watch how your boxer goes crazy trying to catch it :D
I do it with my dog and it is funny ass hell, I only do it on the wall that I have remodeling plans with because she bites the wall and there is teeth marks and slobber on the wall now! ;)