

USAF retired
Jul 17, 2005
Julio how about a controlleer for the alky system that would fit in either the console or a pillar gauge pod.
Julio how about a controlleer for the alky system that would fit in either the console or a pillar gauge pod.

just get a solid plate for the ashtray and open controller up and drill holes in the new plate and install knobs wella!!!!
pics of anybody doing this??

maybe could make a plate for this??
I have the decals in both vertical and horizontal designations. Send me an email, i'll be more than happy to send you a decal.. you lay the decal on.. and have your template where to drill the holes. I just need to know if you want it in vert or horizontal. The Buick one is vertical.

This is how I do the TTA panels fwiw.

