adhesive to mount scanmaster?????


New Member
May 7, 2007
I have the scanmaster located under the radio,and above the tray console.I have tried silicone and hot wax.Both have lasted for a few days,before letting loose.I have cleaned the vinyl with alcohol..Any suggestions/comments.:confused: Todd
I used adhesive velcro, but mine is sitting on top of the dash so gravity isn't acting against it.

You could try some 3M tape, their "VHB" tape is used to hold glass panels on sky scrapers!
I forgot to mention I used double stick tape also.I held for a few months..We have a temperture swing sometimes of 30-40 degrees in a few days...Gravity and temperature are the problems...I can't get anything to stick to the vinyl...Todd

Just clean the heck out of the dash with alky or a lil acetone, lot of oils,and armorall on that vinyl. Then layed down some 3m adhesive backed velcro and it stays on real good.
Two velcro dots:


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i was trying to leave the scanmaster under the radio..You guys have me thinking that I need to move it by my triple pillar setup..That I installed this weekend...
On the ledge above the radio was my next option.Since yall have me rethinking the location...The next move will be where it stays...
We can put it on my back bumper that way when we finally race you can see your numbers clearly.:eek: :D :D

Sorry Todd...I couldnt pass that one up.;)