? about installing rear seat braces


wana steal it? meet mr9mm
Staff member
Nov 24, 2001
i forget, when installing the rear seat braces, is the car supposed to be on the ground, or jacked up in the air with the tires dangling?

its early and the brains not workin too good;)
did you guys do this with the tires dangling?
or did you do it with a jack under the rear?

thanks for the replies-
On the ground. Why would you want to brace your car into a position it will NEVER be in? The braces are there to try and maintain the position the car is in pre stress so it will at least return to the same position.

I think alot of people get the braces confused with a roll cage. 2 different things.
cage braces the frame, chassis has to be square prior to welding it in...preferably on a frame machine.
body braces brace the, um...body

just my .02
zam, good point, but im not sure who is right-

ive done them either way, but i want to make sure im doing it the right way on this car-


parts are painted and waiting on a verdict of which way to do it-

shall we take a vote?:)
i was wondering about this...

since you're gonna climbing in & out of the trunk/backseat anyway(with your body weight tweaking the body ever so slightly in the process) whats the point????:confused: fwiw i just did mine parked on level ground...

When your installing them with them with the cars tires on the ground your putting weight (you) in the trunk, loading up the rear suspension while installing the braces.

The instructions SPECIFY for you to install them using 4 jack stands, supporting the car BY THE FRAME!

With THAT said, I'm not sure how much difference REALLY makes, but think about this, how often do you drive around with 200 lbs in the trunk? These cars ARE NOT rocke solid, they flex, ALOT. Adding weight in one corner of the car will cause the body flex, and when you install the braces with the car on the ground that's exactly what you do. You put a little stress here, a little there, and then you have a brace kit that is installed with a little flex PRE loaded into the body.

ANY problem in your suspension will make installing it RIGHT impossible. From worn shocks, to bad springs, to bad bushings. Get the car OFF the ground, tires dangling, and install them it the ONLY right way to do it.

Originally posted by Spdrcer34

With THAT said, I'm not sure how much difference REALLY makes, but think about this, how often do you drive around with 200 lbs in the trunk?


HEY! what'r you sayin'! 200lbs....I'm 220! :D

Also, I ibstall mine from the inside...

Personally, I don't think there is a right answer OR that it would really make that much difference in the end.

And as far is "the instructions", who says they know what they are talking about?

Just do what ever makes sense to you....Seems like I've always been in the minority on how to install these though.
i went ahead and bolted em in-

body up, tires danglin, and i even went to the extent of tightening the bolts while standing outside the car:eek:

try that in a 2 car garage and not scratching either turbo T

what a weekend, new headliner,carpet, fuel filter, took out the core support, steering box, preped the other one, installed the seat braces, fixed some wiring under the dash, got rid of some rediculous parts under the hood from previous owner,hmmm now its sounding like this project is under way!!!

made a full page list, only half is done:(

tranny and motor back in next weekend.... yeah right who am i kiddin, thats 2 weeks away

thanks for the replies guys
200? I was being modest, I weigh 250 :eek:

Atleast you have a 2 car garage! Try installing the bars in a 1 car garage so small I can't open EITHER door all the way.
