85 GN Build-off on History Channel tonight

that was the gayest show ever.....maybe everybody thats got a mustang saw it and thinks 14s are good as it gets
Originally posted by BlownZ

Nobody even mentioned the most ridiculous part of the show and that was the guy who claimed he could put the 100 dollar bill on the dash board and nobody could take it. If I had a dollar for every yutz who has claimed that over the years....I could retire.

Man, I think you're silly. If you played your cards right, you won't have just a dollar, you'll have 100 of them. :D

Far as it goes, the history part was cool but the ricer boys there really need a lesson on "octane" some good fuel with those cars would have probably done wonders. They oughta be bitch slapped for the MSD box, but I'd put a $20 bill on them having a product plug. The stock EDIS setup has gone a hell of a lot faster then 14s.... There are several small things that they could have done different, but it's the small things that screw ya.
i thought the show was pretty cool, finally some buick footage on TV thats not off my camera. Also i believe that the buick gods were at work when one of the twins smashed the wrench right into his face. Now that was funny LOL:D :D :D I knew then these guys have commited a sin by laying their import loving paws on the GN's. All in all really liked all the buick footage.
Originally posted by wicked_TurboLV
i thought the show was pretty cool, finally some buick footage on TV thats not off my camera. Also i believe that the buick gods were at work when one of the twins smashed the wrench right into his face. Now that was funny LOL:D :D :D I knew then these guys have commited a sin by laying their import loving paws on the GN's. All in all really liked all the buick footage.

I couldn't of said it better myself. :D
Gee, now all the stoplight warriors will think your driving a mid fourteen second car. Youns know what you need to do!
To the untrained eye this show was ok but my impresssion of the show was LLLLAAAAMMMMMOOOOOO........to build the car that was slower than an 87 to begin with? No mention of boost (they did mention how many lbs) fuel or chip management. Four GN hacks............and how many times where they going to show that car doing the wheel stand? DracOnic you are 100% correct, it's not the big things with these cars it's many small things that where overlooked. How about the hotwire, fuel pump, fuel pressure, cold air kit, as mentioned.chip, power plate ect?????? If I remember correctly aren't the exhaust manifolds on these cars good to the low 10's? Unless there was a rule to do the work with the motor in, don't you think they could saved time and headache by removing the motor, doing the work then installing motor/trans all at once???????? Inaccurate depiction of these cars at best:rolleyes:
Perfect examples of what NOT to do to a stock GN.

But the historical part was great!
How about the simple fact they picked HotAirs to do this? An elementry mistake to start out with. Not a flame against the hot air guys..sorry. Yes some of the footage and the interviews were good.
I bet that one car blew one of the IC hoses off. That would certainly kill it! They did not mention a pump, chip, adjusting the fuel pressure or boost, and they also used 91 octane. The cars had potential with some tuning and the right people. I did enjoy seeing the cars on TV, any kind fo recognition is good! :D
Well.... I gotta tell you guys... I noticed a lot more people looking at my car this morning, more than ever before. As I stated earlier, the show kidda sucked, but it sure was great to see these gorgeous girls on the air. And being a fan of the History Channel, I really enjoyed the history part the most. God I love these cars!

Got boost, just stick it in my vain... :D
Originally posted by Buicksx3
Holy cow-- it's on right now in CA and the first thing I saw when I switched on the Hist Channel was Steve Hurst, on camera....

:rolleyes: Yeah, I watched it too. :rolleyes:
Honeslty i thought the show was great because the history was told so well besides that a$$ head with the $100 bill, however what i loved is the fact that last week the two mustangs with bigger engines WITH nitrous got a best of a mid 16 sec run but these cars with some bolt ons got a low 14 sec run with a fool that didn't even know what amber lights were. i bet anyone of us behind the wheel it would of pulled off a 13 sec run for sure. i respect what they tried to do and you better believe i tapped it , that is now two tapes i have of nationals, last years re-run of the grand national on speed channel and this. I think with all of the stuff everybody said people realize that these cars are much faster then any reg car.
It did seem like they were just breifly touching on the subject of mods, and not really drilling down to the specifics. I would think that they would have had to have changed the chips when they changed the injectors. What about fuel pressure, Etc...

A lot of times they have "updates" on future shows. Someone should contact the producers of the show and get those cars dialed-in.

The history was so-so. They did have Molly, Ken and Lloyd. It would have been cool if they would have mentioned the difference between the hot-air and intercooled cars. Or the 13.85 ET that Cars Illustrated magazine got with a bone stock T-type. Or the fact that they put the LC2 engine in the 89 TTA. Or Buddy Ingersoll. Or the FBI cars. Or the fact that Buick was the first stock block powered car to break 200mph at indy. Or the annual GS nats meet. Or the turbo Riviera being Motor Trend car of the year. OK, I'll stop now.

I am just happy our cars were on TV. For a whole hour to!:D
Originally posted by wiked87gn
i also saw Rollin Molly Sanders lets not forget he was one of the founding fathers of the GN and who is almost completly responsible for giving it the black out sinister look,

Molly's contributions are way overstated, IMO. He's far from responsible for the black paint. He wanted it red. Credit Lloyd Ruess with the black paint. Molly did the V6 logo (back in 1977) and not much more for the GN that I can find.