6 killed over a stupid X-box!


Active Member
Apr 9, 2002
What in the he11 is the world coming to when 4 POS kill 6 people and a dog over an x-box and some clothes!:( :mad: !

Guess the 6 people in the house didn't have have a firearm?

They had no input in the decision making process:( .
No shiznit

Bad news. I lived 10 miles from there. Apparently the bodies were beat to a pulp. Even dental records would be useless.


They should be punished in the manner in which they committed the crime. Un-freaking-believeable.
yeah i first heard about this story on one of the ls1 boards because one of the girls killed owned an SS and people thought she may have been on the board. Its a terrible incident and just thinking about it makes me cringe. The last minutes of their lives must have been hell.:(
I feel sorry for the victims and they did not deserve to get beaten to death, but I can bet there is more to this story. I may be wrong, but:

Run with dogs, and you catch fleas.

Reap what you sow.

What comes around goes around.

Looks like some thieves got robbed and were upset.
One of the victims is the neice of a local GN guy and board member. He built a twin turbo GN, and has owned several GN's
If these A*%holes don't get the death penalty, they may was well take it off the books!

The guy's pissed because they took some of his stuff out of a house he was trespassing in (for the umpteenth time). What a piece of work!
Comcast news

Looks like I was wrong.

Joe Abshire, Belanger's brother-in-law, said she had talked to him last Sunday about heading to the vacant house to go swimming one day and finding about six people living there. The squatters were kicked out, but the Xbox video game system and clothes were left behind. Belanger took the items back to the three-bedroom rental home she shared with friends.

You kick scum out of your grandparents beach property and you get killed for it.

The squatters warned Belanger that "they were going to come back there and beat her with a baseball bat when she was sleeping,"

Premeditated. I hope they get the death penalty.
You know, these poor people sleeping....

I'll bet they woke up (slightly) and thought what was happening was a dream or something..maybe. I hope the first blow did them in to save them the pain and suffering. I rememebr 9/11/01, Beleive me when I say I asked myself "Is this really happening? How could this happen here, this is the US, it is such a beautiful day, this stuff doesn't happen here! Today can't be real, it is not possible!"

Kind of one of those hard to determine dream/reality things.

Did you ever wake up and not know where you were and it takes a few seconds to figure it out? Or you hear a loud bang and qucikly fall back asleep?

I have heard that in the now defunct USSR if you were sentenced to death they put you in like a solitary confinment cell. At any time someone would open the little door (I guess the food door) and shoot you, no warning or anything.

How low can you get.

I am speechless, how do you respond to that crime?
I live about a mile from the house and a couple of blocks away from the high school where some of the victims attended school and it has affected a lot of people here. IMO somewhere we let down by the judicial system. Read this http://www.orlandosentinel.com/news...4aug09,0,302587.story?coll=orl-home-headlines
The real killer would probally still be behind bars if it wasn't for the plea bargain he got the last time he beat someone. If this guy had a history than the police would have know about it. I think the Volusia County Sheriffs Dept dropped the ball. I'm so outraged I plan do some more research into this. This is an election year and I bet there will be some heads that will roll when the names and stories get out.:mad:
Premeditated for sure. All 4 should be put to death. Stop the gene pool there.