4" RJC intake install


Jan 11, 2008
I finally was able install some kind of proper intake on my car with the mods listed in my sig. Up until today I had been running a stock intake and maf with a k&n in the stock airbox (long story). I got the 4" rjc pipe, 85mm screenless z06 maf and 9" k&n. First of all, this is a big pipe so it took a little time to fit it in with the front mount but wasn't a big deal. Straight away I cut off somewhere in the neighborhood of 5-6" off the end to allow room for the maf and filter which was about right.
The car idles fantastically, no stumbles anywhere and runs smooth as ever. It's a hair louder while driving around, you can hear/feel the turbo spool a little bit sooner and it has a more pronounced "sneeze" when you drop the throttle under boost.
The biggest difference is obviously in the WOT performance. The way my car was setup i was running right at 24lbs of boost, after the intake install the first WOT test netted a boost gauge zinging quickly on it's way to 30psi before I was even able to get 100 percent throttle in. :eek: I lifted right away and was careful to watch the boost gauge on the way back home. Once I get it turned down a little bit I'll see what it's really got in it now.
I went from a virtually stock setup to a pretty much full on maf style intake and gained nearly 5-6psi of boost without changing anything else so it's obviously flowing alot more air. All you guys still clinging on to your stock mafs should take note :D