145 MPH Speedo Calibration


Regal of the Dark Order
Aug 28, 2001
Who is good and affordable for re-calibrating stock speedometers to the 145 mph overlay? Who, where, how much? TIA

I'm liking Mark Hueffman's overlays. They look closer to stock then the other styles with the long lines drawn on them.

Hey Mark, I'm still patiently awaiting my electric cutout to arrive! :D Any idea when the one with my name on it will be on its way? :cool:
Cutout was supposed to have shipped on Monday. If you don't see it by Friday, let me know.

Any local speedo shop should be able to calibrate your speedometer.
Sweet. Thanks Mark. It'll should probably be here tomorrow or Friday.

I didnt know such shops existed. I'll have to see who I can find around here. Thanks for the input! :cool:
let me know if you dont find a place i know a place hear locally that dose it fairlly priced


Any delivery confirmation on that thing yet? I'm beginning to think they lost it by now. :rolleyes: Hopefully it'll arrive today.....

try poston's they mod the dig dash from flashing 85 & re do the overlay on the analog from 85 to 145 & recalibrate it.
Not sure which overlay they have. Need to check. I dont like the one with the smaller numbers and the long lines as much for some reason.

If you ask me, the best speedo is the one in the Canadian cars! If only someone could convert that to MPH, then it would go to 140 MPH and look great. I wonder why no one has made one like that.