I'm looking for a working adjustable fuel pressure regulator.

Plot twist: Biden sends the economy to a dumpster, gets sick and steps down, Kamala takes over, reverses some EO's, and is now the hero, yet hasn't really done anything, and fools the sheep. Could this be the strategy?
Suicides are through the roof with people losing everything via the Scamdemic...so I guarantee people were throwing themselves off buildings because they lost everything.

And don't forget death by cop. the powers that blow have it 2 fold, those dying from the newest flu and even more suiciding because they can't deal with the isolation and more time on their hands then they know what to with.
We haven't seen anything yet.
**May not be appropriate for all audiences**

Wow, the DemonRats are going to go all out on this guy and acuse and convict him of being off the plantation.
Can't have a black man or woman thinking for themselves.
Plot twist: Biden sends the economy to a dumpster, gets sick and steps down, Kamala takes over, reverses some EO's, and is now the hero, yet hasn't really done anything, and fools the sheep. Could this be the strategy?

Y'all just hang in their my son, don't know why but feel stronger then ever that President Trump will be back sooner than later.
The DemonRats holding their impeachment trial may very well be holding their own.
Go to the last few minutes and listen to the question to General Flynn about the bottle of wine. His answer made me even more sure. Or as I prefer to call it, faith in GOD and his Son.

well at least we finally had someone make something great ....

Coming to the middle and compromise means only that conservatives and republicans (not rinos) give up all they believe in and agree with the tards. Reminds me of the old, "Everyone wants sensible gun control" with 20,000+ gun laws on the books already.