GNX Wheels on eBay?

Another response, "It has nothing to do with the opening of eyes. It has every thing to do with, what and how you ask a person a questions. Some people didn't get and don't get good parenting. And I'm not the warm nurturing type. Too much of that crap has screwed up our country and lives it looks like for good. Everyone makes a choice everytime they open their mouth every day. That and that alone opens or closes opportunity for us all."

How insightful.. This guy is taking on the whole world it seems...
Turbo6Smackdown, Problem is, like you said, even if we do turn him in, what can Ebay do about it? Um, Nothing... And now it sucks that we cannot tell the bidders about it either, what a shame..

What I meant to convey is that we need to try and inform those who are bidding whats going on here and maybe give the guy some heat for it. With Ebay not allowing this anymore, its useless. I guess the more fraudulent auctions they get the more money they make, so why in the hell would they care?
well we need to let this person be aware, then its up to them to decide what to do... But my question is, what about the thousands of other auctions like this?? Somethings gotta be done... We need to start building jails for cyber criminals...
Yea i agree guys. it sucks. ya wanna know what we can do? check this out. the next time some jerk, decides to try to pass off some fraudulent **** off on some unsuspecting person.. we do this... if we cant contact the bidders, to save them some hassle. then i will do this. if someone for instance, puts up an auction, of 'genuine gnx rims, 5 thousand dollars' and theyre like 15" enkies or something like that, ill just put up another gnx rim auction with some cheap price, because i know the bidder on the deceitful auction will take a look at my rims too. but my description will read 'this auction is here, to let all potential bidders of 'so and so' know, that his rims are fake, and are not in fact, real gnx rims. email me and ill let you know every difference between the real rims, and the fakes.
or i could link em the wheel picture page on gnttype. theres ways of getting these people. or we could just post a link to our website here, so they can come here and find out the real deal... its an option i think.
The seller just updated his ebay listing. He calls people crazy and unrational who want to verify the authentisity of the GNX wheels. States that no rational person would look on the inside of the wheels for the markings and offsets. But I am sure when the wheels sell for 2,000.00 he wont call the buyer any names.

He sounds like a jackass.. :rolleyes:
I went to eBay and looked for an area to report him, good luck. They have everything under the sun for buyers protection, but nothing that I could find for just reporting a potential fraud.
Trying to find something on that site is a true cluster f---.
Unfortunately, there's nothing we can do, he'll get away with it as many others have in the past.. Its the bidders fault for bidding I say. I think about the best any of us can do is warn the highest bidder when its over, its better to be given a strike from Ebay as a non-payer than to pay $2000+ for a fraudulant item. And if the seller wants to be an ass and force the person to buy, I don't think it will hold up in court as the buyer could merely state that the auction was misrepresented and was only let aware of this by an outside party after the bidding has ended.

I just can't figure out why Ebay doesn't allow you to contact a bidder during an auction, maybe it would help curb things like this. Are they worried that people will try and harrass the other bidders to try and get them to stop bidding?? Or do they just not want honest guys like us to let people know about potential fraud...
Report to eBay

I went to eBay and looked for an area to report him, good luck. They have everything under the sun for buyers protection, but nothing that I could find for just reporting a potential fraud.
Trying to find something on that site is a true cluster f---.

If you look at the very bottom of each listing you will see under What else can I do, a "Report this item". Of course, it doesn't mean they do anything.

The "new" system of not reporting bidder names is a valient although misguided attempt to eliminate bogus second chance offers and other scams. As a person who was receiving one or two of those offers each week (each one reported to with no apparent result), I appreciate their effort but am afraid it will enhance deception. In response to an eBay survey, I advised them that no one would ever again PAY eBay for listing a reserve price as they will simply obtain another bidder ID and bid on the item themselves. Since the bidder is hidden, no one can screen them. I thought the economic perspective would discourage eBay but apparently not. EBay is a poor forum but what else is there?

Thank you for the information. Seems like eBay has taken a step backwards in their attempt to protect the bidder. And like you say, what else is there?

The GNX wheels are infact REAL GNX Wheels. I compared them very carefully with REAL GNX Wheels and are a match. The offsets are -15 (front) and -23 (rear). Worth the money. I have 4 brand new black GTA fronts. They look great. REAL GNX Wheels would be nice. Anyhow, Goodluck to the purchaser.

What makes you think these wheels are fake? Because the guy is a rude SOB?

I may be wrong, but a good indicator would be the seller is not willing to give out the casting numbers or part numbers and would not allow anyone to visually inspect them. I guess if you go by the photos he has shown, and are willing to take a total stranger at his word, then a purchase would be in order. However, for that kind of money I would want to verify what the seller says.
Wheel Writings

Because of the comments, I pulled the wheel off the car to see what it says and remove 17 years of dirt.
In addition to Off-15 and Front Only, it also says Mold 4, 8JJX16, 3/7, /3,2/3, HH in a circle, 4, U, and JAPAN. So it is more than Off-15. Will have to pull to rear to see if it is marked different.

Don't know what the latter markings on the wheel mean. Were wheel components cast in JAPAN?
GNX wheels

Because of the comments, I pulled the wheel off the car to see what it says and remove 17 years of dirt.
In addition to Off-15 and Front Only, it also says Mold 4, 8JJX16, 3/7, /3,2/3, HH in a circle, 4, U, and JAPAN. So it is more than Off-15. Will have to pull to rear to see if it is marked different.

Don't know what the latter markings on the wheel mean. Were wheel components cast in JAPAN?

Yes they were made in Japan and marked Japan also.
The main problem is that the seller will not allow anyone to personally inspect the wheels and will not take Paypal. He wants money orders or a cerified check. That is a very risky purchase because you have no recourse, all you can do is complain to Ebay(which will get you nowhere). Not worth the 50/50 chance.
The main problem is that the seller will not allow anyone to personally inspect the wheels and will not take Paypal. He wants money orders or a cerified check. That is a very risky purchase because you have no recourse, all you can do is complain to Ebay(which will get you nowhere). Not worth the 50/50 chance.
Today 01:15 PM

In that case, what I would do if I were the high bidder, I would tell the seller that I would pick them up and give him cash. Now, if the guy is too busy to let someone inspect them, I am sure he would be too busy to box them up and run them to UPS or FEDX. If the guy won't allow them to be picked up, then he is full os BS.
What makes you think these wheels are fake? Because the guy is a rude SOB?

I may be wrong, but a good indicator would be the seller is not willing to give out the casting numbers or part numbers and would not allow anyone to visually inspect them. I guess if you go by the photos he has shown, and are willing to take a total stranger at his word, then a purchase would be in order. However, for that kind of money I would want to verify what the seller says.

the plot thickens:rolleyes:
Plot thickens

Although this may not be the case with this listing, one should also keep in mind that on several occassions people have copied photos of other listings and have used them in their listing. This is why some sellers put markers on their photos (to prevent others from using them). So don't always believe the photo. The seller's feedback is a good yardstick (although I got ripped off by a seller with 50 feedbacks-100% positive).