your oem gas door stays down


Electronics Moderator
Staff member
Nov 4, 2005
ive been reading another thread where a member is selling "stay down gas doors" by the dozens, im not hating :rolleyes: if he can sell them more power to him,but please tell me that some other members here already know how to put gas cap in its place and it will hold the door down.....those who dont know here's the FREE low down. fold the gas door down,on the passenger side closest to trunk area youll see a rounded lip on door,put gas cap between this lip(threaded side up)and the rear of the trunk(its a tight fit)it will hold door down.thats it! Ive done this since 1987 and i thought everyone else has too?? Im not trying to be as smart a$$,money blocker,etc, just trying to help out my brothers
First of all, he's not selling them by the dozens. Secondly, I can assure you, the stay down gas door is more convenient to use than the stocker. And third, they cost next to nothing. It's probably more trouble than it's worth, for the seller, so he's providing a service to his fellow TR owners. ;)
well.... I, appreciate the tip. I've been carrying around a big huge heavy rock in my trunk all this time to keep it down while I fuel. :D
my piont is why would you spend your hard earned cash for something that you dont need??ive read the posts,over a dozen say hes a volunteer is halarious...

no thanks,I dont mess with "rock"
Ive been doing this already and had to teach my dad this trick. I still have thought about getting one of these plate holders though.
thats how it is...try to help,and it gets twisted all around...ill keep my 2 cents to myself next time... :confused:
Don't keep your 2 cents to yourself. I was only being silly with my comment. I had a 84 t-type from age 16 to 20 back in the early 90's, and never knew about that trick. I wish I had though. Kind of funny...I went for 10 years without a turbobuick, bought one at the begining of this year, and first time I went to fill it up, it just made sense to me to place the cap there, don't know why. I guess I've gotten a little smarter with age, contrary to mom and pops belief. ;)
all the stay down gas door is it's a tag holder that fit the 82-92 chevy camaro
and i think the one for the newer style rear wheel drive impala/caprice.
for one I hope people here can afford some hard earned cash of $12 shipped! They would not be able to afford internet to be on here anyway! :eek:

At any rate you missed the entire reason for the stay down gas door. The main reason is so when your doing a little street racing you leave the plate down all night long so no one can run your tag (and find out who you are or where you are from) and a cop can't see it if you decide to take off. Not that I do any of that stuff but the stay down door comes in handy for those reasons! :biggrin:

My self the first thing I did was toss that thing and put a stay down style on my GN. I did the gas cap thing in the past over the years but I guess all the wax on my car kept letting the cap fly out. :mad:

IMO best $12 you can ever spend on your GN :biggrin:
garyk1970 said:
please tell me that some other members here already know how to put gas cap in its place and it will hold the door down.....those who dont know here's the FREE low down. fold the gas door down,on the passenger side closest to trunk area youll see a rounded lip on door,put gas cap between this lip(threaded side up)and the rear of the trunk(its a tight fit)it will hold door down.thats it! Ive done this since 1987

this works fine until... the gas cap becomes a projectile.
Sleeper1987 said:
this works fine until... the gas cap becomes a projectile.

and rolls all the way into the dark section of the parking lot and you spend 20 mins looking for the god damn thing.....which happened to roll all the way into the grass :mad: Now I have a stay down plate F' going threw that **** agian :biggrin:
ttypewe4jim said:
and rolls all the way into the dark section of the parking lot and you spend 20 mins looking for the god damn thing.....which happened to roll all the way into the grass :mad: Now I have a stay down plate F' going threw that **** agian :biggrin:

mine went across the parking lot today :eek:
Even though with the stock plate holder and the gas cap holding it down, the gas handle doesnt stay in completely. So, I have to stay bent over holding the plate down and the handle in.
I bought a stay-down door for both my '85 GN and '87 T. I got tired of stuffing the cap long ago(I must be lazy). Never looked back ;) !!
With the price of gas today who the hell needs the door open for more than 45 seconds anyhow? :D

I still have my stocker because I thought it was a waste but Philyturbosix came up with the best reason so far for the stay down! Never know when your going to commit a crime and need to hide the plate. :D
TurboBuickSix said:
I still have my stocker because I thought it was a waste but Philyturbosix came up with the best reason so far for the stay down! Never know when your going to commit a crime and need to hide the plate. :D

It's a win win with the stay down!

:D :D :D :D :D

It all started one day when I was filling my GN.. The cap popped out.. hit some lady in the head bounced off her hit her hood put a dent in that then rolled under some bread truck... then... some dog picked it up and ran away with it. This all happend in the middle of the night! All that $3.66 a gallon fuel ran all over the road on the way home! :mad: I was so ticked off on the way home I beat up some kid and took his lunch money and orderd my stay down for $12 bucks! :D

buickboy: your correct. All you need is some wirecutters and snip a piece of the spring off on the factory one and it will stay down as well!

just hit your local junk yards and get a tag holder off a 82-92 chevy camaro. they are a direct blot in and they stay down.

i got mine for like 5 bucks