WOW GN Powered Lamborghini Replica

Wow, that is one horrible kit car. Thing I never understood about kit cars is why dump $30,000+ into a kit car that doesn't look like the original? There are several Countach bodies out there, 2 of them were molded off the real ones, that one obviously wasn't, lol.
I wonder if that is 1 of the Kirban built cars?

Doubtful, they had a better body. The Countach had angular front wheel wells, not round ones like that, that is an early kit car body.

I was hardcore into building one of these but I just couldn't ever bring myself to make a replica given the crooked kit car world. I do have daydreams of building a Factory Five Daytona Cobra though, FFR is a very good company.
lol gbage car,ive seen many fiero's like that with the stock dtrain and goes nowhere.some had an 8 in it,or the worst is the vette with testarossa body paneling or the complete kit. hahaha lol cant believe some still do this