Would like to get a 87 Turbo Regal .ads ALDL definition file.


9 Sec Wanna-Be
May 25, 2001
If someone running TunerPro RT has a detailed Turbo Regal .ads (ALDL) definition file please send it to me or provide a link to where it's located. I'd appreciate it VERY, VERY much!

There isnt a complete one that I know of.

I had a partial at one time, I dont think I do any longer.

If I have it and can get it to this puter I'll send it your way


Anyone find out the 1227148.ads file? The few on moates.net and TunerPro don't fully capture every bit of info available from the ALDL port.

What is winbin? didi a search and found a nasty virus. THANKS.


This is a case of the "we're too small of a group to worry about the Turbo Regal guys" situation. Full Throttle probably has a fully detailed one but I'll bet you couldn't get a copy for a million dollars.
I don't use TunerPro with my GN but I am familiar with it.

I just looked at the 1227148TBuick.ads file from TunerPro's web site and it is missing a few items from the ALDL data stream.

Missing items:
Trouble Codes (3 bytes)
ESC Count (knock count)
2 bytes of status flags
Tuner Pro

Well I guess I'll just do it myself. Found this link that at shows what byte is associated with what data stream.

Got it all figured out but the MAT data. Now I just need to figure out the MAT table or multiplyer & offset and I got it all. I know it can be done since Turbo Link & WinALDL display this info.

I'll post it when I am done.

You don't have to do it Gearhead, just give me a day or two.

I've already fixed the status bits. (corrected one, deleted one, added a few new)
The ESC Count is not a useful number.
There already is an air temp table in the file but I need to see if it contains the correct values.
Dennis, why do you say the esc count is not a useful number? I think it is very necessary to see if you are getting knock, since sometimes you will get a short burst so that the retard gets back to zero before the next frame is sent and you will only see "zero" retard but the esc count will increment to let you know it happened.
Hi Carl, how you doin?

The number for this item represents the PA3 output or ESC counter. Here is an excerpt from the article I wrote on knock detection awhile back:

"The ECM converts the ESC signal into a number that is determined by the length of time the ESC signal is held low (the duration of the knock). The way it works is, a counter is allowed to count up only while the ESC input is low. This counter is called the ESC PA (pulse accumulator). The longer the knocking occurs, the more time the counter has to count. The higher the count, the greater the retard to the timing. When knocking stops the counter stops, but the count remains at the last number. This is the starting number for the next knock event. So the program has to keep track of the PA count from the last knock, and subtract it from the PA count associated with a new knock in order to tell the knock severity. The ESC PA can count from 0 to 65,535 and when it gets to the highest count, it goes back to zero and continues counting."

The part in bold is why this is not a useful number. Yes, if the number increases you know a knock event just occured, but unless you logged the before and after values it's difficult to interpret. Also, the ALDL data stream only transmits the high order byte of the 16-bit PA3 value.

I know, you still disagree :eek:
Oh, here's something for Gearhead:

There are two different ALDL data stream formats possible with the 87 GN. The normal one and one used during factory test mode (bench test). I just realized the original ads file from TunerPro does not reflect the normal data but rather the factory test format.

Both formats start with the same 15 items but the next 10 are different or are in a different position. I'll fix the file tomorrow but for now, disregard my previous post listing the missing items.

Do you have an XDF file for the 87 GN? I'll trade you the updated ADS file for it.
Yup, I disagree. If you are looking at just one frame you won't know what the esc counts means, but when racing (or tuning or troubleshooting or whatever) you log every frame from launch (or before) to shutdown and it is real easy to step through each frame and see if the esc counts changes. I don't know anyone who would log just a single frame :). Depending on the esc recovery table (which all aftermarket chipmakers speed up to some extent) and how bad a knock event is, you can have knock where an aldl scan tool shows an esc count increment but zero retard, and knock where the retard goes non-zero for a frame while the esc count doesn't change (because like you say it only outputs the high byte). I think you should always look at both retard and esc counts.

I uploaded a partial .ecu file, and then a more complete one that fixes an error, to the gmecm ftp site. If that is still up they both should be in the incoming folder; just get the later one. Just import it in tunerpro and then save the .xdf file.
ADS File

:) That was easy.

Here it is...

You'll have to rename it from .txt to .ads.



  • 87 GN.txt
    18.2 KB · Views: 204
TunerPro ADS file v2.0

Thanks for the file. I added the missing data stream items including several flag bits. I have not checked the air temp table yet.

I need someone to test this file because I also changed the offset from 1 to 0.

Oh Carl, I made sure the ESC count is included. :D
Don't forget to change .txt to .ads.


  • 87 GN_v2.txt
    20.4 KB · Views: 196
Cool beans....

The air temp table seems to be working for me. Got those values from moates.net but the locations were wrong. I fiddled with the locations and it appears right. At least the values track with WinALDL.

Offset from 1 to 0? I am not sure that will work, we'll see. The actual offset is supposed to be -1 but you can not input a negative number so I left it at 1. I think the negative is either added or an absolute value is performed so the negative is not needed.

I wasn't sure what Error Free Starts was, so I did not include it. What does that mean?

Thanks for the additional flags. I did it at midnight and realized I probably missed a few. Rich/Lean indicator, DUH.
Hey Dennis, did you get that .ecu file I emailed you? It is obviously still a work in progress but I don't mind if you share it.
You guys just keep up the good work on that .ads file. Keep the updates coming. So far it's looking good! Thanks!

Here's an .xdf file for TunerPro for anyone who needs/want's it.

Also, I'm having problems with actually getting the .ads file to show readings on the monitors. The ALDL shows it's connected and monitoring but nothing is coming across the screen. Any ideas to check?
I've been really tied up the last few weeks so haven't been able to work on this.

Carl, I did get the file but have not tried to use it.

I think I'll have spare time tomorrow.
once this is all figured out, would it be possible to have an "open source" tuning program like the honda guys have (hondata, uberdata)? that would rock. heh, not so much for the chip vendors though ;).