Why I Don't Buy China Made Parts

exactly what kind of quality and safety do they build into their knockoff off-brand autoparts? :eek:

NONE! It's not about quality, safety, innovation, new ideas, better ways to build a mouse trap. It is about copying someones intelectual property to generate the almighty dollar. Copyrights and patents must be obtained and defended if you intend to keep your ideas yours.

I have seen copies so close that the casting flaws from the original are copied into the fake. Crazy but true.

Is it cheaper? Of course it is. Hard to compete when overseas the wage is pennies on the dollar compared to America. Not to mention the tax base that disappeared as well as the benefits here that must be paid to attract a quality work force.

The playing field is not level nor will it ever be. They will pollute their environment just as we have ours to generate the almighty dollar or yen in their case. Kind of crazy but that's what it's all about these days.
My dog collapsed on me yesterday durring a run!! He had been eating purina beneful so i looked it up and peoples dogs have been dying left and right on it. Luckily 2 days of people food have seemed to bring him back to life!! If I killed my dog by purchasing what I thought was going to help him live longer, I'm gonna go ape-Shizzle!!
Where can you look this info up?? I've been feeding my dog Purina Beneful with no ill results. Was it dry Beneful or the pre-made dinners in the plastic containers? Thanks for any info!!

Toxic medicine in Panama traced to China - More Health News - MSNBC.com

If this is the quality and ethical standard applied to Chinese medicinal products (not to mention the contaminated wheat gluten that may have killed THOUSANDS of beloved dogs and cats), exactly what kind of quality and safety do they build into their knockoff off-brand autoparts? :eek:

Not to rain on your parade but this is a really really weak argument. I can guarantee you own hundreds if not thousands of dollars worth of things made in china and they all perform their function without killing you. To post this, you must believe that only a few things here and there in the US are made in China.

If you want to make an argument that the United States needs to protect itself economically from the huge trade imbalance with China, then maybe you'll win over some hearts and minds. Complaining over some foreign made autoparts and making that the ground you choose to fight for is like putting a bandaid on the finger of a person thats slitting their own throat.

I find it appalling that in these two instances, Chinese companies have knowingly and intentionally introduced harmful products purely in the interest of enhanced profits. In the case of the medicines, the act is more egregious because these compounds are above all intended to heal - not do more harm. Interesting, but in the western pharmaceutical industry - medicines are often referred to as ethicals...

In the case of the wheat gluten, the manufacturer intentionally added cyanuric acid and melamine to falsely increase the measured protein content of the product, hence raise the price. Again, we don't expect foodstuffs for either humans or pets to do harm.

We see the same behavior in cheap chinese made toys, where the pigments often contain massive quantities of lead, that EVERYONE knows is lethal to young children.

Now, we can make the arguement that US companies do precisely the same thing - and that every Corvair, Pinto, Ruger handgun, Big Mac, or Vioxx tablet is a willful act intended to increase shareholder wealth at the expense of consumer well-being.

The key difference is that our society (and most other developed nations) have well developed regulatory structures intended to ensure the safety of consumer products, foodstuffs and medicines. Not so in China, where unbridled passion for export dollars are behind such instances of wrongdoing. It's evidenced in constant Chinese failure to protect intellectual property as well.

If Chinese companies do such a piss-poor job in such critical industries as food and medicine - what must be the standards applied in unregulated industries such as autoparts? Being in the industry, our mailbox is flooded with offers to sell knock-off parts at prices that are a small fraction of the "real thing"

I realize China makes some terrific consumer goods, but for now, I'll tend to trust only chinese goods made under the auspices of modern standards of quality and safety. And for now, these are largely goods made for major Japanese, European and American firms - and regulated by their systems of laws and ethics.
My brother-in-law used to work for HP. He said they have a whole division devoted to going after Chinesse counterfit products. His friend that's in that division has gone into huge factories that knock off fake, low quality parts and close them down just to go back a week later and they're open. It's very difficult to fight that. It really scares me to think they make food products too.
Where can you look this info up?? I've been feeding my dog Purina Beneful with no ill results. Was it dry Beneful or the pre-made dinners in the plastic containers? Thanks for any info!!


As to the pet food issue. I learned one important lesson many many years ago. I well known and respected VET (several actually) told that I should always pay close attention to the ingredients label, and NEVER, EVER buy a pet food that has the words "by-products" associated and ANY ingredient. I later did some research and reading and what these by products (chicken by products, beef/pork by products) are would raise the hairs on the back of your neck.

Our latest boxer has been fed Wellness Brand foods all her life and we've never enjoyed a healthier dog, and she's already outlived all of her predecessors. Wellness brand uses "human grade" ingredients, and NO by products.
I also feed my dog beneful dry food, is this one of the brands that is killing our pets, and if so why is that crap still on the shelf??, where can one go to find out more info on this.

NEVER, EVER buy a pet food that has the words "by-products" associated and ANY ingredient. I later did some research and reading and what these by products (chicken by products, beef/pork by products) are would raise the hairs on the back of your neck.

Our latest boxer has been fed Wellness Brand foods all her life and we've never enjoyed a healthier dog, and she's already outlived all of her predecessors. Wellness brand uses "human grade" ingredients, and NO by products.

My wife just picked up on the Wellness brand for her Samoyed. I have never bought any major brand(i.e.Purina,Iams) of food to feed that dog or my cat because they use by-products.That dog is the pickiest eater I've ever seen and he goes for it like it's going out of style. I used to live in Omaha, animal by-product capitol of the world and 2 hours away was an Alpo dog food plant. What they dont use in dog food gets recycled back into the stuff they feed the livestock. Kind of a weird food chain, aint it? I can even remember the chit that Europe(i.e.France and Germany) gave us over genetic engineered corn and soy beans. You know the stuff that Taco Bell used to use to make taco shells.Now we make ethanol with it. Personally I think you need to look in your own back yard to see what is going on before you start pointing fingers at China. The USDA needs to expand its powers into the Dept of Customs and regulate this stuff. Maybe tax and tariff the heck out of it to make it so expensive that China cant import it at a profit anyway. Trademark infringement is unheard of outside North America. Japan is another good example but there isn't enough bandwidth to support my rant with that country.
Not The Same


While people may have objected to genetically engineered corn on emotional grounds - the two situations are not remotely comparable.

Genetically engineered foodstuffs were rigorously tested by the FDA and industry - and you can bet that no known toxins were intentionally added to boost their profitability.

I've no axe to grind with China, and under the right circumstances they make some excellent product. My point is that China's race to develop economically might have outstripped it's ability to regulate the industries that most need it. And, that calls into doubt the quality (and possibly safety) of goods that have no oversight.
These were the wet beneful in plastic containers. We've taken him off the food and been feeding him people food (cottage cheese, ground beef, etc) And it has been like switching your GN from 87 to race gas!! He finally slept good and was more active than he has been in months. I feel like printing flyers and sticking them to the shelves at the stores before this stuff kills more dogs. I wouldnt trust any dogfood right now! Hopefully he'll continue to improve.
Watch this:

Not to rain on your parade but this is a really really weak argument. I can guarantee you own hundreds if not thousands of dollars worth of things made in china and they all perform their function without killing you. To post this, you must believe that only a few things here and there in the US are made in China.

If you want to make an argument that the United States needs to protect itself economically from the huge trade imbalance with China, then maybe you'll win over some hearts and minds. Complaining over some foreign made autoparts and making that the ground you choose to fight for is like putting a bandaid on the finger of a person thats slitting their own throat.

Both amusing and disturbing....
AtomFilms: Ha Ha Ha America
IMNSHO, the Chinese mentality and "ethic" (or lack thereof) is that cheating & stealing is not only "OK", it is (in their view) the sign of a "good businessman".

The only shame is getting CAUGHT cheating, not in the cheating itself.

This is my experience based on dealing indirectly with certain Chinese suppliers in the electronics industry. Any requriement that isn't explicitly spelled out AND independently verified on a routine basis, you can expect they will actively be working to lie, cheat, and steal. Totally contrary to most (but not all!) Western business's approach.

Also, some of you may remember some rampant cheating scandals concerning the GRE exam a few years ago. The GRE is a standardized test similar to SAT tests, but intended for admission to graduate schools.

The cheating conspiracy was largely centered in south-east asia including China, IIRC.

That is how they are raised, and it's been deeply embedded in the culture & upbringing for 100s, if not 1000s, of years

Human life is cheap in China. You think they care at all if 10,000 animal companions die from intentionally adulterated food? They do that to their own people and dont care a rat's arse about it, for cryin' out loud.
IMNSHO, the Chinese mentality and "ethic" (or lack thereof) is that cheating & stealing is not only "OK", it is (in their view) the sign of a "good businessman".

The only shame is getting CAUGHT cheating, not in the cheating itself.

That is very true. While I cant comment on China I was just reading a story in one of the auto biz magazines about some high level CEO types that were sentenced to lengthy prison terms. I want to say it was whoever was in charge of Hyundai in S.Korea. The dude got 25 years for failing to issue a recall on defective cars. Not only that the SK government conviscated everything he had. He lost all of his money and his home. His family was literally kicked out onto the street pennyless. A lot of these guys commit suicide rather than face public embarrasement. Man what a F'd up society.

Gryhead Tom. I bet you've sold some bogus parts over the years. Lots of fake licensed stuff out there, especially parts with the AC/Delco name on it. Advanced Auto Parts was just caught selling filters with counterfiet labels on them. Dont be fooled by those holograms on the stuff you sell. A lot of those are counterfeit too.
I don't think so...

Gryhead Tom. I bet you've sold some bogus parts over the years. Lots of fake licensed stuff out there, especially parts with the AC/Delco name on it. Advanced Auto Parts was just caught selling filters with counterfiet labels on them. Dont be fooled by those holograms on the stuff you sell. A lot of those are counterfeit too.

I tend to doubt it. ALL of our Delco parts come directly out of AC-Delco's own warehouses, same as the Delco stuff you sell at the GM dealer. So unless they are in the business of counterfeiting their own parts, I feel pretty confident (AKA positive) that we're both selling the real McCoy.

Advanced Auto however? Wouldn't surprise me...That's why I only shop there for crown shaped air fresheners and exhaust pipe turbo whistles....

I will say that back in the 70's, there was plenty of fakes around, most laughably marketed under names such as "Autotite" and "Motormate" I recall seeing some Delco fakes too, that used the Delco circle logo but a variant on the Delco name.

Back to the China issue, I disagree with the harsh indictments of the Chinese culture in general. This is a culture with a rich tradition in medicine, science, philosophy and even warfare. I think the Chinese are a generally hard working, industrious bunch - much like ourselves.

And, in fairness to China, many of the issues they experience currently remind me of the US during the industrial revolution - when we deforested the country, polluted the hell out of the air and water - and treated labor like it was disposable....

Maybe China just has to make all the same mistakes themselves....
Both amusing and disturbing....
AtomFilms: Ha Ha Ha America

the most amusing thing is that I'll bet that film was produced by an American

The way they "translate" the text is way too stereotypical. It seems to me like someone was thinking "how can I make these lines sound like a Chinese person talks?" While at the same time, not maintaining consistency and mentioning things that would probably make no sense at all, or at least little relevance, to a Chinese person with such poor language skills "Foam #2!" Also, focusing on specific political issues and people inside the US is not something people from other countries do.

This is simply a polemic film from some left wing moron in the US designed to scare people into hating "evil Bush"