Who's in for a PIZZA Cruise

Looks like it's going to rain on our party. Not so fun cruising in the rain. Might want to re-schedule.
As of this morning.

Looks like it's going to rain on our party. Not so fun cruising in the rain. Might want to re-schedule.

10 Day Weather Forecast for Huntington Beach, CA (92647) - weather.com is forcasting 30% chance of "few showers" for Sun. The thing is, these guys keep changing the forcast to something different every day. they also tend to error on the side of gloom and doom. Personally, I don't think that these weather guys have a clue. The official Spoolfool weather forcast for Sun. is for mostly blue skies, and black cars;). The time to pull the plug on this thing would be on Sat if needed.

Mike B.
Ok it looks like im going to change the day to next sunday 12-20-09
beacuse of the rain AND my son coming from vegas sorry sorry i hope you guys don't mind,,,,So come out on 12-20-09 to have some funn and FREE PIZZA..

NEW DATE 12-20-09

NEW DATE 12-20-09 new day 12-20-09