white castle?


Pit Bitch
May 24, 2001
Alright now that i have just about everyting in order for Nats. people are talking about White castle and its making me want one.

are they worth the HYpe? i have never had them as i never traved to a city where they have had a resturant. if i hate In and Out buger will i like white castle?

Please lemme know!

While I am sure that some folks don't really care for them, I think most will assure you that they are as good as you've heard. Every time I head to Il. one of the first things I do is swing by White Castle and order a bag of about 20 sliders.....and I have yet to not finish them. They're rad, holmes. I wouldn't steer ya wrong.

20 days 'til I go to Chicago and get some for myself!
Rectum Rockets!!

I wouldn't pound 10 or 12 of them before making a road trip. If you don't have to stop 2 or 3 times to relieve yourself from the pressure during the road trip, your travel buddies will surely throw you out the window due to the fog you created in the car! :D

They're not that bad. They don't have them down here, but had quite a few where I grew up in Indiana. Nothing really special, but they really aren't too bad heated up in the microwave.
Sliders are what they are refurred to, and not because of they way they go down to your stomach:eek:

I love them, they closed down all the white castles here a few years back, so BG is the only time i get them.....

Thin patty with 5 holes in them to allow the steam to go thru them while being cooked on a bed of water-
Truly a unique hamburger, either you like em or LOVE em.

Originally posted by Quick6'n'-K.C.

Thin patty with 5 holes in them to allow the steam to go thru them while being cooked on a bed of water-
Truly a unique hamburger, either you like em or LOVE em.


ACK..... they arnt grilled?

humm ok i will still try them.
For what it's worth, neither myself nor anyone in my company has ever experienced any G.I. side effects from them as was noted above.
They are a part of a staple diet here in Louisville. Guaranteed to keep your wife off your butt for a couple days. A bag of them and 6 beers will do the trick. I pig on them about once or twice a month. They are kind of like missing home when you are gone for quite a while. You just develop a craving and it can only be stisfied by WHITE CASTLE.

They have them in Bowling Green I'm sure. Sounds like a road trip.
Originally posted by Reaper
ACK..... they arnt grilled?

humm ok i will still try them.

You wont know the difference, its the grilled onions that make the burger, that and the cheese that makes em slide down so easily.

i bet i will eat at least a dozen the first few days im there, usually 4 or 5 does it for me...


Then look at far left side about the free burgers link.

For having watched Harold & Kumar Go to WhiteCastle, after the pay per view movie, states to acess the link and type the password, AlWAYS OPEN

Get Two Free Burgers from White Castle!
Order "Harold and Kumar Go To White Castle" on Pay-Per-View and find out how you can get two free* burgers from White Castle.

Click here to get your White Castle burgers.

*Certain restrictions may apply. Offer valid at participating restaurants only. Limited time offer.
Thanks for catching up with Harold & Kumar on Pay-Per-View or Movies

On Demand! Your coupon request has been submitted, and you should receive your selected coupon within the next two weeks.

For some reason,had not needed to type the password for access so enjoy.
Want to find a Whitecastle in your area:

If you order them without the onions they won't "talk back" to you the rest of the night.

Just like anything else.......if eaten in moderation, you'll be fine, but a sackful will do some damage!:eek:
Around here we call White Castles,tomaine towers...and the burgers : rats and rats with cheese.....
Originally posted by ledzeppac
Reaper you dont like In and Out???? WTF are you European?

no i just dont like their cheap ass fried burgers .02 bun and horrible sauce.
We don't have White Castle in the south, we have the original before White Castle which is Krystal!

And yes they are the s#$@.

Down here we call em gut grenades!:D

Real close to the real deal, Dathan..

The Chicago Hamburger Company
3749 E. Indian School Road - Phoenix, Arizona
(602) 955-4137
open Mon-Sat: 10:30am-8pm
Re: Sliders

Originally posted by Jack Evers
Real close to the real deal, Dathan..

The Chicago Hamburger Company
3749 E. Indian School Road - Phoenix, Arizona
(602) 955-4137
open Mon-Sat: 10:30am-8pm

thanks Jack i will check them out.
White Castles are an institution that if you aren't careful will put you in the institution. They are great, but long ago they went to dehydrated onions on them and they haven't been the same since in my opinion, but still tasty little morsils. Don't eat a ton of them and you should be fine. It is like a lot of things though, it is a life experience you have to do. Still though, nothing around better than an In and Out.

Mark:D ,,,,,,,burrrppppppppp