where is this supposed to plug into (pic)


New Member
May 12, 2002
I took the ANS electric boost controller off of my car and replaced it with a manual setup.. Where is this red connector supposed to plug into? When the ANS BC was installed, it had a wire going from the in-car controller to this and another to the solinoid which would pulse the wastegate.


Thanks, Josh
if you run the car with that unplugged, you will set a code...

just buy the wastegate solenoid, and it gets studded to the valve cover bolt!

nice engine bay!
Originally posted by Quick6'n'-K.C.

nice engine bay!

thanks ;)

that sounds easy enough.. is there a better/cheaper place to get one than new online? I did a quick google check and found them for about $25. Also, if I drive it unplugged, will it just set a code or will it affect driveability? Thanks again, Josh
do u have to run a regular wastegate solenoid with an external wastegate? seems odd the the solenoid would be missing ....