Whats your least favorite band/ musician?

Originally posted by 70Firebird/TTA

lol, there is a song by a band called Mindless Self Indulgence called 'i hate jimmy page'

i agree with most here, when ever i see those 'bling bling' folk, i just wanna punch them all in the face.. and unfortunantly, its really rubbing off down here, i cant tell you how many kids are trying to be those people...

i personally like manson, well most of his stuff... mostly old school stuff... but WakkoSS went to the same high school as him, but i think that Manson (Brian Warner at the time) went there a couple years earlier.... like in the late 80's

some rap is kinda cool, like ICP and Blaze... but then they are kinda scary, but then everyone says to me, 'you listen to some scary sh!t' :cool: makes me proud


My new pickup came with XM radio and I was reluctant to activate it. They inticed you with a sample channel so I gave it a shot...and never looked back. I don't listen to FM or CDs anymore at all except for Drew & Mike in the mornings on 101.1 here in Detroit. XM's 150 channels of CD quality stuff with name and artist displayed is fantastic. Especially the explicit XMCOMDEY channel. The other day they had some great Sam Kinison stuff....fantastic!

Most rappers dont even SING...they talk(babble or mumble) through the whole thing! Most couldnt carry a note if had handles on it!:eek: Who wants to hear about how good they THINK they are in bed and what they SAY they can do to as far as sex goes...UUGGHH! Perfect example..this new MAGICSTICK BS song!

Most hated...R Kelly. Who told this Kiddy Porn loving dude he could sing anyways? :confused:
Jimmy Page is one of the best Guitar players around :)

Madonna has a nice voice in my opinion, Good album named, "Something to Remember" , it was a gift to me..... :)

But i'm old and like any music except rap crap :rolleyes:
Depeche Mode. I've always hated them but got talked into going to one of their concerts years ago by this hottie I was dating at the time. I hoped that particular date would be a "defining moment", if you know what I mean ;) . But it got me nowhere and now, of course, I hate this band even more. The concert was unbearable and now when I hear them on the radio, I can't forget the suffering I endured that night and want to bash the radio with the nearest heavy object. As a matter of fact, now that I think of it, that night was our last date. Maybe it WAS a defining moment after all! :cool:
Led Zeppelin is my favorite band. Jimmy Page is my favorite guitarist. Tossup between John Bonham, Neal Pert and Carl Palmer for drummer.

Matter of fact, Coda is playoing right now

Theres a new band, Evinscene or something, I bought cuz my wife wanted me to DL one of the songs on Kazaa, I DL it, woound up DLing the CD, then bought it. I really like this album.

One of those ones you'd never have thought..like Puddle oif Mudd..they rock too!
I think that John "Bonzo" Bonham is the man. Don't really see any drummers that can play the drums w/ their bare hands and even do solos for an hour or more. Zeppelin is the best!

I really don't like that Boy George girl...guy or what ever it is.:rolleyes: