What's the WORST song ever made?

omc- how bizzare

I cant believe this was played on the radio years ago.
Originally posted by DCEPTCN
My vote goes to 'Jane Mary, Cry One Tear' by Swans off of their 'The Burning World' album. 1st rate caca, that tune is. It actually makes me physically uncomfortable. Please, if you haven't heard it, check out this auditory travesty.

Why would we want to do that? That's like saying, This is disgusting. Try it." or "I think this milk is sour. Try it." or "This smells rancid. Here, smell."

It has to be that LFO song that goes, "New Kids on the Block got a bunch of hits; Chinese food makes me sick"

I don't know what it's called, but that has to be it.

Originally posted by grandwazoo
The song, "Simply Having A Wonderful Christmas Time" by Paul McCartney actually makes me wretch.

*Wince* Ugh. That song makes me sick too.... That friggin' "Diiiinnnngggg doonngggg diiinnnnggg doooonnnnggg" *shudder*. Man, I'm actually pissed off right now, having just typed it! :mad:

That "Barbie Girl" song was horrendous.

Anything by Britney Spears is repulsive

That one song that goes "Gimme the beat boys, and free my soul, I wanna get lost in yo rock n' roll" infuriates me too.... Then that POS Uncle Cracker had to redo it :mad:

I hate hippy rock.
Hey, I like John Anderson too, he has his own unique sound. Can't beat the classics like Seminole Wind, Chicken Truck, and Swingin.

I'd have to say the worse songs was any song off the Chimpmuck Album and Madonna's version of American Pie.
Originally posted by Pat Adkins
Anything by led zepplin!!!!!!!!!!
What?! Heresy, I say!

Some of Led Zep's tunes are timeless classics, eg Stairway to Heaven.
...and it's safe to say, 'Any song...' because they've been writing the same piece of crap song for 30 years now.
Originally posted by Welby

That one song that goes "Gimme the beat boys, and free my soul, I wanna get lost in yo rock n' roll" infuriates me too.... Then that POS Uncle Cracker had to redo it :mad:

I hate hippy rock.

All right, you've opened the flood gates to this rant about why I hate this song with a passion. Well, I'm at work and everything, going out and doin some feild work about 2 years ago. Well, we get to the place, pull up in the truck and I glance over at the clock; it's 10:00 AM. He's listening to this "soft rock" radio station (eg elevator music) and that song comes on. Well, the next day THE VERY NEXT DAY we go out again, and as we pull into this driveway the song comes on again. Well, I glace at the clock and it's.....you guessed it.....10:00AM. I don't listen to songs that have frickin creepy things like that happen when they're played, not to mention that song is just flat out annoying as hell. Almost as bad as a lot of the new pop bands any more, I could do insturmentals for them, all I'd need is a Casio keyboard.
Well, I know most of you will disagree, but I don't care much for that Christmas classic Grandma got run over by a reindeer.
