Whats the best song ever made?


Active Member
Oct 14, 2003
I know everyone on here has to have a song that when they listen to it, they say...."man this is the best F*ckin song ever made"

you may laugh but for me its Faithfully by Journey.

How about you guys?
Boney fingers

I like the country song some old lady sung. It goes like this, Work your fingers to the bone, and what do you get ? Boney Fingers!! That song is so true.

I laugh whenever i think of it!
Skynyrd is getting some major support, Tuesdays Gone in my book. But Stairway to Heaven isnt very far behind in my ranks.
always been my favorite song, simple man by skynard , could listen to it none stop. love free bird and tuesdays gone but this is by far my favorite. also axis bold as love by jimi and leni by stevie
ok ill stop. There is so many .
Danm....85 TR just beat me to the punch...Simple Man. And talk about a chore...pick one single song??? Holy Crap Bat Man...sheesh. OK..Aerosmith - Dream On...wish they hadn't chopped it up and used it in the car commercial though :(

We need a TR driving music file sharing service or maybe a master list of killer driving music listing, maybe a new board area or something....after all we've all paid for our music, right :D
glade someone feels the same way i do , love that song, in fact i just love lynard skynard.
I can't even begin to name one single song....

Best album ever though is Queensryche's "Operation Mindcrime"...

One of my favorites that I never get sick of is Machine Head's "Ten Ton Hammer"...

I also nominate Martina McBride's "Cheap Whiskey"...

How's that for a musical swing :D

As far as Journey goes, I vote for "The girl can't help it", "Stone in love", and "Send her my love".... Damn, they had alot of good songs, really...
This list shows you guys are.....

a bunch of old farts!!!!!;)
At this point in time I'd have to say METALLICA's master of puppets only because it is so easy to manipulate people.
Either George Staight's Amarillo by Morning
or Lithium and Smells like teen spirit by Nirvana