What would they call a merger between Ford & Chevy?


Active Member
Jun 2, 2002

The all new FORVY CAMARO :eek: Some how that doesn't sound right..

The CHEFORLET Mustang. God I hope this doesn't happen.
I can't see it happening. Ford has nothing GM needs and vice versa> They both produce vehicle lines that directly compete with each other. Toyota and GM makes much more sense.
its becuase "most" younger americans dont care about buying "american" any more. as the ww2 generations pass the sentiment toward anti asian isnt so strong. not to mention they just make better quality cars and people arent dumb. i dont see the merger changing much as far as brands, and names, just big money being thrown around.
Focus hocus

I can't see it happening. Ford has nothing GM needs and vice versa> They both produce vehicle lines that directly compete with each other. Toyota and GM makes much more sense.

Ford doesn't understand electricity, and GM has a poor design team (new GTO). Maybe after a merger GM will have a good looking car and the Fords will have accessories that work. :biggrin:
Toyota doesn't need any help, GM could be their tax write-off :rolleyes: