What the hell?


Self-tuning wanna-be
Apr 14, 2012
Finally got my car back after some maintenance and while it was down i decided to buy a new trunk jacking sticker to replace. Well, i opened the trunk and the previous fool put dynomat sticky stuff over the old one...no wonder i did not know the location. Also i see the trunk rpo sticker under there. How do I get this mess off the sticker...see pics. Or will it come off?
Might start with something mild.

Lightly dab at a test spot with some rubbing alcohol.
Whatever you do, do NOT use any harsh cleaners, the lettering on those stickers likes to disappear if you wipe with something to crazy.
Test a small section first!
You only get one chance with that sticker. I would clean around the edges and then heat from the back side and peal it off. After its off you can deal with the rest of the mess. Not likely anything will remove the glue from the sticker and leave the ink of the options.
I thooght about that....just laminate over it and be done with it..
I believe you could get a replica sticker from Dennis Kirban, but I'm not sure.....ask him, he might be able to suggest where to get one....I know they are available out there, expensive, but available....sorry, I can't remember the company that does them, it's very late, I'm beat, hurting, tired and getting older by the minute.

Bruce '87 Grand National