What Martial Arts would you suggest for a 9 year old?

58 Range Road
Windham, NH 03087

This is close have you been to that location?

Haven't been there yet. My son got a pass for a free week from my sister, so I'm planning on checking out the Windham location soon. It's only about 5 minutes from my house.
My 02

U may try self defense, reason I'm saying that is that I takes a bigger person to walk away then reallymess someone up. In self defense they teach u patience and if u get into it u'll understand that it's best to not assault someone but if it comes down to it u can show them ur not really there to f them up. Just stop any situation before it gets outta hand. In self defense u don't want to really hurt the other guy just let them know ur not there to do alotta harm. I took 2.5 yrs andy thought on it is to end it quick and show them ur not one to mess with. Also try and find one that invites other styles of martial arts to give ur son a wide range of different styles. Because if u know how to hurt someone, ur intentions isn't really to break bones or really hurt someone. Just settle the disagreement quick without having to be in trouble with the law later in life. Since the child is young they absorb alot and will be able to handle themselves in a manner that will end without someone really getting hurt. Hope this helps as with what I know I can break bones but prefer not to plus it'll show them there are other ways to resolve any situation without assaulting someone or worse.
find him a filipino martial art. they teach weapons first. well the real ones do anyway. plus look on the bright side a 180 kid will have quite the suprise when your 80 pound son sticks him in the neck ,eye and groin with a pencil in that order.jujitsu is nice and all but i know for a fact you dont wanta be rolling around on the ground during a fight. at least not the ones ive seen lol.(always a buddy lurking to drop a boot in ur face lol). also i dont see where a jkd class would be bad . its best to be well versed in all areas. all martial arts have crap that doesnt work ya gotta take what works for ya and use it. also you gotta have a killer instict and be willing to hurt someone to fight them not everyone is cut out for that no matter what they do. a nice boxing class is really great also, boxing by far has the best hands in the fighting arts.
Kung Fu San Soo. Best style for every day real world self defence. IMO
Designed for the underdog, uses more science not all muscle.
Yep that's it - F'em if they can't take a joke

Just slap the shidt out of them and they'll listen. There is no need to use Kung-Fu on them.

Ahh but seriously -

I say Tae Kwon Do and visit the school and maybe participate yourself or make it a family thing. For the kids it DOES need to be FUN & CHALLENGING as there is a lot of repetition in the years to mastering technique and making skills second nature (self defense is about respect, reactions and redirecting energy against an aggressor). Talk with & have questions for the Sensei - would you like taking lessons from him or her?

BTW 9 is fine - lots of kids are younger. He will know & feel good about himself and will walk the halls with confidence. He might even smile, if he has to slap the shid outa some bully down the road. Oh & he will thank you too - my kid did & and that made ME smile! HTH
Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu, Dirty Boxing and common sense!

First, you obviously want to teach him fighting is wrong unless he is protecting himself. Personally, I like BJJ. But, it might be difficult to set up a throw or counter or apply a submission in a crowded area (bar,concert,playground yada yada). Especially when the fight could be broken up in less than 45 seconds. Boxing, Dirty Boxing is great!

Also, size can matter. Sometimes skill can not be enough if your opponent is bigger, crazier and has an unorthodox fighting style. Learning other ways to defend yourself on the street is mandatory, like ... breaking an antenna's off a vehicle and slicing... grab a tree branch and swinging.. biting:eek:. etc.

I am not trying to be funny or sound crazy. I know this thread was posted for a young gentlemen. BUT you do not want him to have a false sense of security! Kids now a days are a lot meaner, have a don't care attitude and more street savvy then when I was young. Good day Sir.

Krav Maga!!! Its probably the best "street fighting" MA out there!!

There are other reasons for learning a MA and probably the two most important are "respect and discipline"! If more parents put their kids into MA for these reasons we would see a big drop in violence in this country!

Krav Maga!!! Its probably the best "street fighting" MA out there!!

There are other reasons for learning a MA and probably the two most important are "respect and discipline"! If more parents put their kids into MA for these reasons we would see a big drop in violence in this country!

Respect and discipline should be taught at every school or lesson.

Does Krav Maga teach takedown defense?:rolleyes:
Tai Chi.

Seriously, I'd also say judo. I was a small kid and my parents put me in judo. I got a lot stronger and could handle myself pretty well. Not that I fought, but I wasn't afraid to. Judo teaches you how to grapple and how to take a fall and not get hurt yourself.
I have been taking an Okinowin (sp?) style karate for about the last 12 years. My son and I started when he was 8 or 9 years old (didn't want him to kick my behind, so I went to:D). He quit at brown belt, I continued to black. My advise to you is to make sure he has fun participating in a structured self defense class. If he doesn't enjoy it he will loose interest very quickly. Then who knows if he will ever try again. I started and stopped three times before completing a program. I also took Tang Soo Do. What your son learns in martial arts, he will carry for his lifetime. Hopefully you will participate with him and enjoy yourself too. You both should visit many schools before deciding on one that meets your (and his) criteria. Our class is held at the local Buddhist Temple and we are required to help clean up and participate in three public temple events in exchange for lessons at a reduced cost. IMHO martial arts isn't about kicking someones behind and is more about taking care of your self, being respectful of others and being aware of your surroundings. All types of martial arts each have it's merits and strengths. Your son has to see what fits for him and most of all enjoy doing it.
By the way, we had a wrestling coach start training with us. He spun me around and I was on my back in seconds. The most out of control feeling I've had in a long time. Unfortunately, he cracked one of my ribs (and another students) in the process. Stuff happens. I hope to be back at class this Saturday.
Respect and discipline should be taught at every school or lesson.

Does Krav Maga teach takedown defense?:rolleyes:

Duh, yes

Krav maga is known for its quick takedowns and its ability to disarm opponents and use their weapons against them. However, as a real life-based fighting system, krav maga places heavy emphasis on grappling techniques so that you know how to handle yourself on the ground.

Krav maga is known for its quick takedowns and its ability to disarm opponents and use their weapons against them. However, as a real life-based fighting system, krav maga places heavy emphasis on grappling techniques so that you know how to handle yourself on the ground.

More and more teachers are integrating Krav Maga into their system. Couple guys this way are now teaching the art. Becareful and do research on your teacher. Last I knew there were over 200 locations nationwide teaching this art from Israel.

Has the father and young lad of this thread decided on a martial art or boxing? :cool: