What did I break? w/ pics

Brian Collins

New Member
Nov 5, 2004
I leaned up aginst this and broke it when I was working on my car. Oops. It is located next to the mastor cylinder for the brakes (converted to vacume). Can anybody tell me what it is so that I can replace it. Thanks.


If you can't get past the ownership thing, then email them to me and I'll host em for you.
Brian, to display webshot photos, just go to the photo you want us to see,
highlight the web address and do a "control C" (copy).
then in the body of your post, do a "control V" (paste), and that photo address will be useable by all.

the link would then look like this:
except it would link to your photo, not mine. ;)


and easilly opened.
I bought one of those at the local Pontiac dealer about a year ago. they have them at most of the discount parts stores as well.