What car cover

I have used the 'plushweave" cover made by California Car Cover
Co, They have a felt lining on the inner side of the cover that touches the car surface. About $ 170 or so shipped to your door. These covers do leave a gray dust on the vehicle sometimes. They are a medium weight. They are not a waterproof cover. Ca Car Cover does have a on line catalogue.
Thanks Gary

I will look at that one, dont need one waterproof as she sets in climate controlled garage just want to protect it if somebody brushes up against it or something like that.

go on ebay and do a search for Grand National car covers, i bought one from cover outlet, for under 40 bucks worth it just to cover your car for scraches and its water proof...
I have two.

A Covercraft Technalon and a Car Motorsports.

The covercraft is the same as a Wolf Evolution,and not sure what it crosses over to in California's line.The material it is made of is all the same I believe and quite a few different companies make covers using the "technalon" material.I like this particular cover for indoors.The cover is thick and soft and has yet to leave any type of scratch due to the cover.I have bumped the car with tools and whatever else you can happen to bump into it with in the garage and have failed to leave a mark.A couple were the ,"Boy I can't believe I got away with that variety".Good cover.The bad is if it gets wet.It is not a good outdoor cover.It is big and wads up in the size of a tree.Occupies the whole trunk.Now picture a wet tree and what are you going to do with it?Not in my trunk.The only other down to the cover(as far as outdoors) is it dosen't quite go down far enough.It covers all the car quite well,but only makes it to about mid-wheel.So rain splashes up on the wheels and mutts them up.

Now the Car Motorsports is the exact opposite,and why I have two covers.It is light,bundles up much smaller,and covers all of the wheel.It is good for outdoors in this respect.No scratches yet to report because of this cover as well.The only bad to the cover is it is VERY thin.No ding protection.It is a little more rain resistent though neither of these are really "waterproof".

I was actually contemplating trying another cover from covercraft that says it is waterproof just to see.Here in FL the nice showers come through in about ten minutes and get followed by bright sun.Great for waterspots.I have to stop work and go out and chamois it off only to repeat the process maybe twice more in the day.That gets old.Anyways that's my review on the covers that I own.HTH
thanks guys!

I appreciate ALL your help. the car will be indoors at ALL times. I might try one of the "thicker" covers to save on dings etc.

I appreciate all the help!

Want me to cut a big patch out of mine and send it to ya for a sample?

Can you cut me out a small patch say 16 feet long and 9 feet wide:D