What boost control range with RJC Controller


Dec 25, 2003
I understand how the RJC Controller prevents rising boost from being applied to the wastegate actuator until boost pressure overcomes the set spring force and unseats the ball. Therefore, the actuator keeps the puck closed and spool time is decreased. My question is: does the RJC controller also act as a boost range control device or is the boost range (i.e. 16-23 psi or 18-23 psi or 20-24 psi etc.) managed by adjusting the wastegate actuator arm?? In other words, can I increase or decrease boost from a particular setting by simply adjusting the RJC controller and not adjust the wastegate actuator arm length??
OK, is there a limit to the range of adjustability? For instance, my wastegate arm length is set such that with a "tuner style" set up I get 16.5 psi of boost. If I install the RJC controller can I expect to adjust it so that I can get 18 psi or 19 psi or 20 psi or higher just by tightening or loosening the RJC setting?